Chapter 47

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"100.1°F" the nurse said putting the thermometer away "Has she had any pains in the past couple of days"

I shook my head "No not that I can think of other than touching her ear a lot that's it"

"Yep sounds like an ear infection but I will have the doctor take a closer look"

I looked down at Sawyer on my lap and I kissed her head

The nurse asked me some more questions and then told me that the doctor would be right in

Sawyer started to cry and I wrapped her in my arms "It's ok elephant" I whispered to her

The doctor came in a few minutes after and took seat on his chair stool

"Hi Kylie it's nice to see you again" he said and I gave him a smile

"So the nurse said she might have another ear infection" I asked and Doctor Ramon stood up

"You said another is this a common thing" he asked and I nod my head "She just recently had one two months ago and it was bad as well I had to take her to the emergency room"

He took a look in both of her ears and nod his head "Was it an inner ear infection"

"Yes sir"

"And does she seem like she is in pain" he asked looking at Sawyer "Yea a little she keeps squirming and will cry here and there" I answered

"I am going to prescribe some antibiotic that she will need to take for ten days" he typed something in to the computer "I will also suggest giving her some liquid ibuprofen to stop the pain but it should be gone in 24 hours"

Doctor Ramon stood up and put his pen into his coat pocket and I looked down at Sawyer "She is going to stay here until the fever is down and then you guys can go home"

I nod my head and he opened the door "Kylie you do know that the fever happens fast with an ear infection so it's not your fault that she has one right" he asked and I gave him a little smile "Yea I know"

But I couldn't help and think that if maybe I was with her I could tell somehow and maybe it wouldn't have gotten as bad

"Brandon would be very proud of the way you are raising her" Doctor Ramon said and I looked up at him "All he could ever talk about was how proud of you he was"

He left closing the door behind him and I laid back on hospital bed "is she ok" Mom asked coming in and I sat up

Dad was behind her and I nod my head "Yea just another bad ear infection I need to take her to a ENT to get her ear checked out"

Mom grabbed her out of my lap and looked at her "This is your fault you know" she said

"How so" I asked

"If you would just have been with her she wouldn't have had to be rush to a hospital with a fever in the first place" she said "but no instead you hand her off to other people and look what happens. I still stand by what I said you should have never gotten her"

"Melinda" Dad yelled

"Stay out of it Jacob" mom yelled back

I grabbed Sawyer "Mom whether you like it or not I got her and now she is mine" I shouted "Melissa and Brandon chose me and that's why you hate me so much it's because despite everything you try Melissa loved me more than she ever loved you"

"Kylie that's enough" mom said and I shook my head "No it's not you hated the fact they asked me to carry Sawyer for them and you hate that they left her with me"

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