Chapter 9

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A warm sweet smell instantly flooded my nose

I snuggled into my pillow which felt harder than usual I really need to get some new pillows Lilly kept telling me to when we took Sawyer- Wait Sawyer

I quickly sat up listening for her cries but nothing "what's wrong" some mumbled next to me

Cameron sat up rubbing his eyes looking around my apartment "Good morning sleepy heads" Jackie sang from the kitchen

I hurried into the kitchen and saw Sawyer sleeping in Jackie's arms while she flipped a pancake, a wave of relief washed over me 

"how long have you been here" I asked taking a seat at the counter rubbing my eyes

Jackie poured me a glass of orange juice and placed it in front of me "about an hour why" she asked

Cameron walked over to the kitchen and looked around

His light brown hair was messy, pieces of his hair was standing up in all direction. He was wear a plain gray short sleeve shirt and a pair of blue jeans I haven't even notice what he was wearing last night

"So how did you end up here" Jackie asked Cameron with a smile

"He came over to watch a movie with us" Tegan said coming into view "Pancakes" she squealed taking a seat and grabbing a plate

"Tegan texted me saying that something happened and I need to come right away" he said with a smirk

Jackie handed him a plate and he accepted it taking a seat next to Tegan

"what happened" she asked looking at me "Nothing happened everything was fine" I took a plate of my own

"Then why would Tegan send that" Jackie asked looking at her with a smile

"I sent that, I don't remember" Tegan said sipping on her orange juice

"So how did you end up spending the night" she asked putting Sawyer in her bassinet that she must have placed in the kitchen

I looked over at her making sure she was ok. She was still sleeping peacefully and I couldn't help but smile a little at her cute chubby cheeks I love her so much

"We all fell asleep during the movie I guess" Tegan said taking another bite of her pancake

"When I came in here you guys were all cuddled next to each other it was cute, I have a picture" Jackie said pulling out her phone and handing it to me

Cameron was sleeping on my left; my head was laying on his shoulder as his head was on mine

Tegan was laying on my right her head resting on my right leg  and my arm was wrapped around her

I went to hand the phone back to Jackie when Tegan grabbed it "I need this send it to me please" she asked with a smile

"No just delete it" I walked over and put my plate in the sink

"I got to get going thank you for the pancakes Mrs. Campwell" Cameron said standing up "can someone point me to the bathroom before I go"

"Go up the stairs and on your left it's the second door" I said grabbing my cup and pouring myself some more juice

He gave me a nod and headed up the stairs "so Cameron" Jackie asked once he was gone

I rolled my eyes and started to clean up the mess "so nothing he is someone who is possibly becoming a friend sort of"

Cameron is a nice guy but I have only known him for two weeks and I still don't know that much about him

"Come on Ky he is nice, hot and rich" Tegan said wiggling her eyebrows "Stop it" I said smacking her arm "Nothing is happening right now ok and don't think you are off the hook with whatever you were trying to do last night"

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