Chapter 6

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"Lilly have you seen my phone" I asked moving the toaster

It has been four days since the bachelorette party and I have been busy with school which is why I need my phone it had everything on it

"Stop screaming" She whispered walking into the kitchen holding her head

"I told you not to drink so much" I yelled on purpose causing her to cover her ears

Last night Lilly went on one of her many dates this week and it didn't go at all as plan turns out the guy is really self centered

"No I have not seen your phone" she said chucking a pillow at me

Lilly's brown hair was up in a messy bun and her tiny figure was hidden by an oversize t shirt

Tegan soon came down the stairs "What's up losers" she said taking a seat at the counter with a smile

"I'm looking for my phone do you have it" I asked getting frustrated I thought by now it would have shown up

"No sorry" she gave me a frown "Hey were is Sawyer I got her something yesterday"

"She's taking a nap" I looked over at the clock "But she will be up any minute" I rechecked my coat again just to make sure but no luck

"Hey Tegan we never got a chance to go over the rules" I said taking a drink of my hot tea giving up on the phone for right now

"First you will have chores around here" Lilly said looking at her

Lilly has always been a neat freak even when she was younger she used to wash her shoes after every run, every week was annular cleaning day and one time at one of her sleepovers she made everyone eat over a trashcan just to make sure we wouldn't leave crumbs on the floor

It was my turn "this is more my rule than an apartment rule all piercing that are fake gets taken out" I said holding out my hand

Mom did send her here to change and even though I disagree on this plus I know the piercings was always something she hated

Tegan reached up and started to take them off she started with the eyebrow piercing ,then the septum, then tongue, she finally took out her lip piercing

"See now we can see your pretty face better" I smiled and put them in a bag "You can have it back when you go back home if you want but for now they stay out ok"

Tegan nodded and smiled

The rest of the day went by quick after going over all the rules everyone went their own ways

Lilly went out shopping, Tegan stayed up in our room, and I decided to study for my final exams

For dinner we all stayed in and order pizza and watched a movie


"You look terrible" Jackie said walking over to me

I poured some more coffee into a customer's cup "thanks" I said laughing

Last night was a bad night Sawyer was up half the night screaming so I didn't sleep much then I had to get up extra early to finish all my extra schoolwork before tomorrow and now I'm working my afternoon shift

"Maybe you should take her to the doctors" Stan suggested as he sipped his coffee

"I did yesterday morning she has an ear infection so that's great" I sighed

"who has an ear infection" someone said taking a seat at the counter

I looked over and mentally screamed "none of your business" I replied

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