Chapter 16

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Have you ever known about something but never spoke it out loud, like it's in the back of your head and you know it's true but once it's said everything seems to make it real again?

That's exactly how I felt once those words left my mouth

The guys had no idea how to reacted after and Tegan just walked into the living room with Hank not wanting to talk about it

Jackie and Lilly just sat in silence waiting to see how I was going to react

I think that was because I don't really like talking about it. That day is one of those days you kind of wish you could forget

Luckily for me I didn't have to say anything else because Cameron's phone rang

Apparently something happened over at his office causing Kayden and him to leave. He kept apologizing that he had to leave but I reassured him it was ok

Honestly I didn't want to answer any question they may have had. Kayden pulled me into a tight huge before he left whispering Happy Birthday to me one last time

I waved goodbye to Cameron as he stood by the door waiting for Kayden. He gave me sympathetic smile and left once Kayden let me go

I ended up staying at Jackie's house due to the fact Lilly didn't feel like driving back to the apartment so Tegan, Lilly and I ended up camping out on the floor of Lilly's room


They next morning I was woken up by my phone going off. I moved my hand around the floor trying to find it my eyes still closed

I finally found it and answered it "Hello" I mumbled

"hello to you too, were you still sleeping" Cameron's asked from the other line

"Well duh" I said sitting up

"I thought you would be at work by now"

I looked over at the clock sitting on Lilly's night stand 2:15 pm 

I quickly jumped up and ran down the stairs to the kitchen

On the fridge was a note

Sorry but I didn't want to wake you up. It looked like you were having a good dream by the drool on you face this morning. Anyways have a day off you work way too hard.
                                          p.s. Sawyer wanted to hang out with me today

I wiped the side of my mouth with the back of my hand checking for any trace of drool and took the note down "Hello" Cameron asked

"Nobody woke me said I needed a day off" I said with a huff "I am going to kill her when she gets home"

Cameron chuckled on the other line "Would it be so bad to take a day off"

I looked on the stove for the teakettle to see if there was any hot water left and lucky for me there was

I poured some of the water into a cup and placed a tea bag inside "Yes actually"

"Wow normal people would love a day off" he said

"Well I am not normal and plus I need the money" I looked around the empty house

"Why not play with Sawyer babies can be fun"

I laughed at that "I can't apparently she wanted to spend time with Lilly"

"So nobody is home with you" he asked with a curious tone 

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