Chapter 7

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Once we settled into the room the nurse asks her routine questions and then left, Tegan and I waited for about a minute before the doctor came back and examine Sawyer

He asked some questions and I answered them trying not to miss anything. The doctor diagnosed her with an inner ear infection and said that the fever was caused due to the infection

He gave her some medicine to help reduce the fever and pain and then told me to follow up with her pediatrician 

Tegan and I left the room and headed out towards the waiting room, Cameron was still there waiting for us he had decided to not go back saying that this was a family matter

"Is she going to be ok" he asked standing up when he saw us

I nod my head and smiled "yea she should be but I have to keep a close eye on her just to make sure but the doctor said give it a week and she will be back to her giggly self"

He let out a breath of relief and smiled "that's good, ready to go"

I gave a nod and hugged Sawyer closer to me

Ten minutes later I was at my apartment building

"Thanks again how much do I owe you" I was now standing outside by Cameron's car

"Kylie it's fine I don't really mind helping I'm just glad she is ok though" he said looking down at Sawyer who had fallen asleep in my arms a couple minutes ago

I gave him one last smile and walked over to Tegan who was talking to our harmless door man

Once we made it back into the apartment I got swarm with questions "why didn't you call me" "is she ok" "I was worried sick" Lilly rushed over and hit my arm

"Shh she just fell asleep and yes she will be ok" I said putting my keys on the counter

"I left you like eighty messages" she said taking a seat on the couch

"I lost my phone remember I haven't had time to get a new one yet" I gently took a seat on the couch Sawyer still in my arms I don't think I'm ready to lay her down right now

"I'm going to bed" Tegan said putting the dipper bag down. I looked over at her "Thank you for watching Sawyer"

Tegan gave me a small smile and walked up to our room "what wrong with her" Lilly asked looking at me

"She thinks she made it worse somehow" I don't want Tegan to blame herself things happen it wasn't like she had any control over it

"well I think I'm going to head to bed" Lilly said getting up and giving Sawyer a kiss

"what no date tonight" I asked standing up as well "not tonight no" she said heading upstairs


It's been over a week since Sawyer got sick and it's safe to say she is doing a lot better

I had her get checked out by her pediatrician and she said that it was a bug that went around and she will be just fine it's not something serious, but I have been keeping an eye on her just in case

Also I took my finals and will get my results in a couple of days so can't wait for those

Cameron and Kayden have been coming to the diner a lot lately they say to check on Sawyer but if I was being honest I don't really mind

In the last couples of week Kayden and I became sort of friends he's just really fun to hang out with. Cameron I have to admit is not that bad either even though he almost killed Tegan and I he's an ok guy

Until I Met YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora