Chapter 46

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*Briella's Wedding dress*


"Lilly just come in please" Kat yelled

"Make me" Lilly screamed back and I tried not to laugh

Kat closed the fabric to the tent and took a seat at the vanity "I swear I am going to kill her" she said frustrated

I put down the mascara and stood up "Kat calm down ok you are suppose to show Bri there is nothing to worry about"

I grabbed a big white sheet that was sitting in the corner "What is this for" I asked and Kat waved her hand "that is for later I just need it in here for right now"

I walked out side with it and spotted Kayden who was standing out side the guys tent "Hey help me for a sec"

Kayden walked over towards me "What is this for" he asked and I pointed at a branch that was hanging down a little lower than the rest "I need to toss the sheet on the branch almost making a curtain"

Kayden grabbed the blanket and tossed half of it over the branch almost like it was folded over the branch "May I ask why"

I shook my head "Thank you and now go" I pushed him over towards the guys tent and blew him a kiss as he gave me a smirk catching the kiss

"What was that about" Lilly asked and I grabbed her dress "Get dress behind this and I will keep watch"

Lilly looked at the sheet then back at me "So no tent" she asked and I shook my head "ok but what about behind me won't someone see me"

"No ones behind you and the only thing behind the sheets are trees and the big tent is blocking the side views plus I would see if anyone is peeking"

Lilly gave me a smile and went behind the sheet when Bri walked over to us "Kat" she shouted and Kat popped her head out of the tent

"Oh no what happened" she asked and Bri pouted her lips "It's ruin everything is ruined the guest are already showing up and I don't even have my dress on" Bri said "and on top of that the priest can't make it so I have no one to marry David and I"

Kat gave Bri a hug and then looked at her "Calm down ok everything will work out just go inside and get dressed I will fix it"

Bri gave her a smile and went into the tent Kat waited for Bri to be completely in then she looked at me "How I am I going to fix that" she asked biting her nail and pacing

"Ok well lets think anyone can be ordained right you can quickly do it over the internet"

Kat head shot up and she smiled "Kylie you can do it" she said like she just solved the problem "you could marry them like you said it's easy"

I quickly shook my head "I never said it was easy and plus I can't I am a bridesmaid remember"

Kat's smile quickly deflated and she started pacing again "But" I said stopping her "Someone Bri loves and cares about can do it  you know someone who is special to her"

Kat smiled again "Oh my gosh you are right I know the exact person" she said running away

"Ok now that its solved can I get help zipping up my dress" Lilly asked from behind the sheet and I mentally slapped myself because I forgot she was there

After a couple of minutes passed and I finally got to put on my dress and curl my hair everything started to fall in place

Almost all the guest had arrived and Kat was able to find someone so luckily the wedding was still going to happen

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