Chapter 23

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"Tegan" I asked poking the arm that her head was recently resting on

"Hmm" she answered not moving

I just shook my head smiling and looked at the menu that was siting in front of me

Cameron spent another ten and a half hours driving with one break and we eventually ended up staying at a small motel on the corner of no where

Like suspected I didn't really get much sleep due to my overthinking and Cameron stayed up with me saying he wasn't tired either but I knew other wise so he stayed up and talked

Soon the sun was up and it was 8:30 am and Cameron was getting hungry so we stopped at a little diner to get something to eat

Tegan on the other hand decided sleep was much better than eating which was a surprise for everyone

Instead she hobbled in to the diner and fell asleep in one of the booths

Sawyer was still asleep but I knew she would be up within the next hour wanting to be feed

"She didn't wake up" Cameron asked joining us back at the table coming from the bathroom

I shook my head "Nope but I am going to try and order her something and maybe the smell will wake her up"

The waiter came over and took our order and within five minutes I was chowing down on some chocolate chip waffles and Cameron was eating his scramble eggs and bacon

I had order Tegan a bagel with cream cheese and few pieces of bacon but she was still sleeping

Cameron grabbed a slice of bacon and waved it in front of her nose which she happily took still laying down with her eyes closed

"I am surprise you're not tired" Cameron said looking at me

I gave a small smile "Oh I am I just can adapted to it running on little to no sleep that's kind of what I live for"

Cam gave a soft chuckle and I can tell the seven energy drinks were starting to wear off "I don't care what you say I am driving when we get back in the car" I took another bite of my waffle

He shook his head "we aren't half way yet I still have thirty minutes"

"Cameron Davis" I said very stern "I am driving and there is nothing that you can say to stop it you have been driving for nineteen and half hours it is my turn got it"

Cameron just stared at me and then a smile crept on to his face "what" I asked

"Nothing its just you never used the mom voice on me before"

'Did I use a mom voice' I asked myself mentally I surly didn't mean too. Oh my gosh I thought my eyes getting big "I so did" I whispered I am turning into my mom

"Kylie you good" he asked "I didn't mean it in a bad way hint the smile" Cam pointed to his face

I looked at him "How often do I do that" I asked

"very often" Tegan answered siting up "but not as much as mom so its good" she grabbed a piece of her bacon and took a bite

"hey where are we" she asked stretching

"Oklahoma" Cameron answered  "still have eighteen hours to go"

We finished eating, paid and headed off towards the car

Sawyer had woken up a little after I started to drive and Tegan feed her for me

After about five minutes Sawyer had started crying again and I looked over at Tegan "don't look at me" she said 

Until I Met YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora