Chapter 31

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"And that would make ten baskets in a row" I tossed the basketball back to the boy and he grabbed it

"How old did you say you were" he asked winking at me

I looked at Spencer and laughed "Older than you Carson" he said ruffling the boys hair

Carson fixed his hair glaring at Spencer "I'm fifteen it could work" he mumbled

"Ky" Tegan yelled running up to me

"Hey I thought you were suppose to be helping with the cans"

"Yea I am but I need to ask you something" she said grabbing my arm

I looked at Spencer and he nod his head saying it was ok

"what's up" I asked once we were a couple inches away

"After can you cover for me so I can go see Sam and Casey" she asked referring to her boyfriend and best friend

"Tegan I don't know about you seeing Casey" I answered but Tegan just gave me a look "Please Kylie this is the last day here before we go back to LA and I have yet to see them"

I don't trust or liked Casey, ever since Tegan has meet her she has been into more trouble than I could count and something never rubbed me the right away about Sam

"fine but only for a half an hour ok" I said giving in, Tegan smiled and we headed back over to the kids

"Who's your friend" Carson asked and Spencer just shook his head

"This is Tegan and she is my sister" Tegan looked at Carson and he smiled at her

"There is another one of you" he asked "well hello there"

Tegan rolled her eyes and walked away

"It's ok buddy you will get her next time" I said walking over and stealing his basketball again


After watching the kids for an hour it was time for lunch

"Is it time to go yet" Tegan asked walking over to the table of food I was helping serve

"Nope not yet why what's wrong"

"There is this creepy boy who keeps following me around" with out even looking she pointed over to a tree a couple feet away and Carson was standing behind it

"aww he has a crush on you Tegan try talking to him" I suggested but she just shook her head

"Kylie we are out of juice can you go inside to the back room and get some please" Spencer asked me from the other side of the severing tables

I nod my head and set on my way to go and find the juice

You know even though I have hardly gotten any sleep and have been on my feet all day I felt more energize than I have ever felt, things were starting to look up for me for one Zach was nowhere to be seen second I couldn't stop thinking about what happened with me a Cameron and whether or not he was actually going to kiss me

It made me feel something in the pit of my stomach every time I thought about it and also on top of all of that Katie, Tegan and I were all in good places finally

"Cameron come on please" Isaac said and I quickly stopped

I peeked through the cracked door that belong to one of the three office rooms in the church

Cameron was sitting down in a black office chair spinning back in forth in it as Isaac was standing in front of him

"I don't know what to do" he said pouting "I can't stop think about it and I need your help"

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