Chapter 37

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Kayden quickly dropped me from his arms and I would have fallen on my butt if the desk wasn't right in front of me

"Kylie" Scott said looking at me and I tore my gaze away from Cameron to look at him

"Mr. Davis" I said trying to sound professional and adult like

I really wish I was hiding under a rock right now "Well I came to see if you had the reports this week but I can see you are busy" Scott said beginning to walk away but Kayden stopped him "I got them right here sir"

They both walked out leaving Cameron and I in the room "I guess I will be going now" I said walking past him but was stopped when he grabbed my hand

"what is going on" He asked shutting the door

"well you see Kayden was trying to convince-"

"No I mean" he stopped and looked at me "with" he tried again but nothing

I was now more confused than I have ever been but Cameron just sighed "Never mind" he went to walk away but this time I stopped him

"Wait can we just talk" I asked

Cameron looked down at my hand that was still in his but didn't say anything

This is what I am talking about he always seems like he wants to tell me something but yet nothing is ever said

I moved my hand and walked over towards the door just ready to go home


"where were you" Lilly asked as I walked through the front door "you were gone for three hours"

I slipped off my shoes and tossed them at the shoe rack

"Don't really want to talk about it"

I went up stairs and took a quick shower then slipped on a pair of ripped denim shorts and Uncle Brandon's over size Sunday shirt that I may have taken back home with me

I headed back downstairs and slumped on the couch

I love the fact that the shirt still smells like him "So you want to talk now" Lilly asked holding Sawyer and walking over towards the couch

I grabbed Sawyer and placed her in my lap "Not about earlier but anything else I am fine with"

"how about your mom" she asked and the smile dropped from my face "Tegan told me some stuff but she told me to ask you"

"you know how she is" I fixed the head band that Sawyer was wearing even though nothing was wrong with it "basically said I killed my aunt and uncle she claimed she only had two kids and oh yea basically told me Sawyer was a mistake and I should have never kept her"

"Kylie I" but she didn't have to say anything I knew what she was going to say and I love her for it "I should have been there" she said instead

I laughed "No I don't think you should have plus I heard you had fun here" I poked her arm and she just stared at me "I know Kayden was here and more than once"

Lilly eyes widened "Did he tell you that" she asked and I shook my head "No but Eric did"

"stupid Eric getting in everyone's business"

"Hey don't be mean to our door man he only told me because I asked which is something you should have told me yourself"

"Its here" Tegan said running down the stairs and out of the apartment

I looked over at Lilly and we both started laughing Tegan came back in with the mail and a big yellow package

She tossed the envelopes on the counter and tired going back up to our room "Hold it" I said getting off the couch and heading over towards the counter "aren't you going to show me what it is" I asked she always shows me what she gets

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