Chapter 5

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"Are you following me" I asked looking around

He sat down next to me and laughed "Actually this is my usual hang out. What about you" he asked as the bartender brought him a beer

"Bachelorette party actually" I said pointing over to my group of friends

"so why are you over here all by yourself" he asked

"Because I feel like it" I took another drink of my soda and looked at him

"Your legs look fine. How are they" he asked

I looked at him confused "Excuse me"

"From earlier do they still hurt or?"

The scene from earlier came into my mind and I looked down at my legs that were still a little red

"I'm good I guess" I looked back over at Lilly

"She will be ok with him you know" He said and I gave him a look

"Your friend the guys she's talking to is my friend and he's harmless"

"Yea well Lilly is not really herself when she's drunk and I don't really know you or your friend so"

"are you always this uptight" he asked taking another drink of his beer and looking at me from head to toe

"I'm not that uptight" I said looking very much offended. Where does this guy get off calling me uptight he doesn't even know me

"Even when you said the word uptight you sounded uptight" he said laughing

"Ok look" I waited for him to say his name

"Cameron" he replied

"I'm not uptight besides I can have fun when I want too" I went to take another drink from my glass but Cameron swiped it away

"Hey" I said reaching for it

Cameron took a sip "Yea than tell me why you are drinking a plain coke on a Friday night at a bar"

I took the glass back and set it down "I'm just not a big drinker"

"Yea duh" he said sarcastically  "I bet you never even had a drink of alcohol before"

The bartender brought over a shot glass and sat it in front of Cameron

Cameron looked confused "courtesy from those ladies over there" he said walking away

We both looked over at a group of drunk party girls waving in our direction

I quickly grabbed the glass and swung it back, the liquid burned my throat as it went down but I ignored it and act like it had no effect when Cameron looked at me

"how did it feel" he asked with an impressed look

"horrible" I said taking a big drink of my coke washing it down

Cameron started laughing and took another drink of his beer

I pushed my drink away not really thirsty anymore when my phone vibrated on the bar

Cameron picked it up before I had a chance too "Who is this" he asked turning the phone screen to me

It was a picture of Sawyer with a big smile on her face "That is Sawyer" I said grabbing my phone back looking at who text me

It was from Tegan making sure I was having fun but being safe

I turn my phone off and put it closer by me

"Who is Sawyer "he asked trying to grab my phone again like a little kid

I pushed his hands away "Why do you want to know so bad"

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