Chapter 17

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"Cameron" I asked in almost a whisper

He turned his head and opened one of his eyes "I'm ok"

After a little disagreement I had convinced Cameron it might be better if he did go to the hospital

Kayden got a call something about work and Cameron had told him to go and deal with it, so we lost our driver and I didn't trust Cameron to drive so I got stuck driving

Which is something I would rather not do, I haven't driven a car in what three months and the idea had me little freaked out

But I sucked it up and started the car and honestly I may have looked confident but I really was freaking out on the inside

We got to the hospital and he got examined, the doctor said there was nothing majorly injured. He had a small concussion and need to be monitor for a few hours

I ended up driving Cameron back to his house so he could get some rest and Kayden was supposed to be there ready to keep an eye on him as instructed but once we got there he was nowhere to be seen

I decided to stay until Kayden came except that never happened it has been about two hours now and Kayden hasn't shown up

"You should get some sleep the doctor said you could" I said looking down at Cam who was resting his head in my lap as we sat on the couch

Doctor Morris said that because Cameron was responsive and his pupils weren't dilated he could sleep but only if someone were to check up on him

"I could if someone would stop poking me and whispering my name" he said poking my arm

I looked away "Sorry"

"It doesn't matter anyways I can't sleep" he said sitting up "Hey back at the hospital did you know the Doctor that saw me"

I looked back at him "Why"

"When he walked into the room he looked kind of relived to see you but you looked a little shocked to see him" he tilted his head back "also every time he tried talking to you, you ignored him and would look away"

"Umm yea he knew my uncle really well" I said playing with the ring on my finger

Cameron looked at me confused "The uncle that passed away"

I nod my head "yea uncle Brandon"

Cameron placed his hands-on top of my right hand that was twirling the ring around "I'm sorry"

I looked up at him "why are you sorry"

"This is obviously a topic you don't want to talk about so I shouldn't push it"

"It's just hard" I said as Cameron moved his hand and sat so he was facing me

"My dad was never really around that much when I was younger he was a huge workaholic among other things which as I kid I understood. Being a very successful lawyer took up most of his time"

"My mom was there for me when she could I guess but she was mostly all about Katie" I looked over at Cameron to get any hint that he doesn't really want to hear me ramble about my family but he was just staring waiting for me to continue

"Katie is mine and Tegan's older sister but she is the real baby of the family trust me" Cameron laughed a little and I went on "Uncle Brandon and Aunt Melissa was always there for me though"

"Brandon taught me how to drive when I was fifteen and Aunt Melissa had been to every single one of my plays, Talent shows, spelling bees, science fairs, and any after school activity I was ever in even when she didn't have to"

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