Chapter 8

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About three episodes, two bags of popcorn and a bag of M&M's later Tegan and I decided to put on a face mask

"Get another episode up" I said getting up and walking into the kitchen for some lemonade

There was a sudden knocked on the door "I'll get it" Tegan yelled

"Wait check the peep hole" I yelled back knowing that she would just open the door

"It's Cameron" she said with a happy tone I put down the lemonade and froze "don't let him in"

"why not that would be rude" she said opening the door I turned around and faced the stove I don't want Cameron to see me like this

I look like a hobo not to mention I have a face mask on that can make me pass for an alien- wait why do I care what he thinks in the first place

"I was just checking in making sure everything was ok" Cameron said walking into the apartment

"Yea everything is fine why wouldn't it be" I asked still not turning around

"Tegan said I need to come over right away" he said his voice getting closer to the kitchen

I'm going to kill her "are you ok" he asked me now standing a couple feet away

"yea I'm just looking for something" I said opening up a cabinet and then closing it

"umm... ok well if everything is fine I'll get going"

"No wait why can't you stay and watch a movie or something with us" Tegan begged "I mean you're already here right"

"Kylie" Cameron said from behind me "are you sure you're ok" he asked

"She's embarrassed for you to see her in her alien form" Tegan replied walking over to the couch slumping down on to it

"wait what" he asked with a laugh "Come on I bet you don't even look that bad"

I let out a breath and turned around slowly "see you don't look bad" he said with a smile hinting on his lips

"Ha-ha I'm glad you find this funny" I said picking up my cup and shielding my face as I walked into the living room and sat down next to Tegan

Tegan got up and nudged his arm "I can just go everything seems fine" was what he said and headed towards the door

"No stay please I will make another bag of popcorn and we can watch a movie" Tegan insisted

I looked at her "What are you up to" I asked getting up to take off the mask when the timer went off

"Nothing I just don't see the point in wasting umm... gas" she said putting the popcorn bag in the microwave

I quickly washed the mask off and went to sit back down when Sawyer started screaming over the baby monitor

I went upstairs placed her pacifier back in her mouth and winded her music box up again so she could her the soft sound coming out of it

When I came back down stair's I heard Tegan and Cameron whispering but they stopped as soon as they saw me

"Ok let's watch a movie" Tegan said pulling my hand down and sitting me down next to Cam

I looked over at him and he just awkwardly smiled at me

This is going to be a long night


Authors Note;

Ok Ok I know this one is really short but the next chapter will be longer I promise


Until I Met Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें