Chapter 33

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There is a time in your life when you realize that you have seen something one too many times and I think this draws the line for me

In the past five months I have been in or visit a hospital seven times and I am really starting to think about my life choices

"She is ok as of right now" Mom said walking over to the waiting room that we have been in for twenty minutes

"What does that mean" dad asked standing up "as of right now"

Mom let out a sigh "They are running more test but it seems she passed out because her blood pressure was low"

Dad took his seat next to Tegan and mom took the seat at the end of row of chairs watching the door

This lasted fifteen minutes before Jason came out and we all stood up "She will be ok"

I let out a sigh of relief "the only problem is we need to keep her calm and not over worked" Jason continued

"When can I see her" I asked wanting to make sure she was ok for myself not that I don't believe Jason or anything

Jason motion his head for me to follow but mom stood up "that's not a good idea don't you think you have done enough" she asked me

I looked between her and Jason "are you blaming this on me" I asked in disbelief

She just shrugged her shoulder "I think I should go I mean I am her mother"

I rolled my eyes "Yea and you let nobody forget it"

"Let's not do this right now" Dad said standing between us blocking my view from mom

"You right" I looked over at Jason "Sorry" I went to sit back down when Jason stopped me

"Actually" he said "Katie wants to see Kylie and Tegan first that was why I was sent out only two people at a time"

Tegan stood up and looked at me "Well lets go" she said grabbing my hand and dragging me away from mom

"Can you keep and eye on Cameron" I whispered to Jason as we past "I just don't want to leave him alone"

He nod his head and sat down in the seat I was sitting in next to Cam

Tegan and I headed towards Katie's room and I tried not to focus on the numbers of rooms we had past and all the conversations going on in each

When I was younger I use to play a game with Brandon when ever I had to come here it was a fun game actually he would have me guess who the person was in each room and we would make up different symptoms for them like once I had said and old man had Purple poke a dot syndrome

Once we made it to Room 41 Tegan barged in not even bothering to knock

Katie was lying in bed playing with the remote and pointing it at the TV but when she saw us she smiled "Hey"

Tegan walked over to her and gave Katie a hug "why did you have to scare us" she asked releasing her grip them lightly smacking her arm

Katie looked at me and shook her head "do you believe her" she asked laughing

I gave her a small smile but I didn't feel in the mood to laugh looking at someone you love hook up to a machine and looking pale is not something you would be happy around

Maybe mom was right ever since I got here there has been nothing but fighting and drama

"Kylie hey what's wrong" Katie asked reaching out for my hand

I walked over to the side of her bed and shook my head "Nothing" But Tegan didn't let the answer slide and add "Mom and her got into a fight a couple seconds ago"

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