24: ☆ new york ☆

Start from the beginning

"What the bloody hell is a hotel?" Fred spoke, clearly frustrated.

"A hotel! It's like a—like the Shrieking Shack—a place you can stay overnight—"

"Well how about that one?" He pointed across the sidewalk to a decently sized building that was lit up with the words HiltonTree.

"Perfect," I smirked and tugged him along with me as we both made our way to the entrance of the hotel, "now remember try not to talk and draw too much attention to yourself."

"Why? Are you afraid they'll fall head over heels at my devilishly handsome smile" Fred winked back at me and I smacked his arm since this was no time for jokes.

"No dummy! You're just not used to being in the Muggle world but I am. So just follow my lead," I put the sunglasses at the top of my head, and removed the hood, before walking inside.

The ceiling extended for at least 20 floors in this hotel, lifting higher than even in the Great Hall at Hogwarts. For the most part, the entrance room of the place was still, it being so early in the morning that we were walking in. Fred on the other hand was staring open mouthed at everything around him, clearly fascinated by objects like the luggage cart and elevator.

We approached the front desk and a small man with a thick mustache blinked back at me, bored written all over his expression, "welcome to HiltonTree where we make your sightseeing dreams a reality. What can I do for you."

I cleared my throat and tried to make slight eye contact with the man, but not too much in case he recognized us from any of the papers, "a room for two please." The man didn't even look at my face but instead typed a couple things in his computer before producing a key card.

"That'll be $90," the man popped his gum and handed his arm out for the money.

"Fuck that's a lot," I mumbled under my breath and went to dig in for some Muggle money I had stored but Fred reached forward and dropped an assortment of galleons on the table.

"I think that should be plenty," Fred smirked at the man and tried to grab the key but had it pulled away from.

"What's this?" The man asked and finally looked at us in our faces, "you expect me to take your arcade coins as a form of payment?"

"Well I—" Fred started and I just elbowed him hard to stop.

"You'll have to excuse him. He's just a joker. I think this should suffice," I pulled out one of my only $100 bills and slid it over the desk, "keep the change." At this he nodded his head and placed the key back in Fred's hand who had a frown on his face.

I grabbed his arm and led him over to the elevator where we would find our way up and only spoke when the doors had closed behind us, "Galleons! You thought you could bribe the man with Galleons! I mean didn't you even take Muggle studies?"

"I might've failed it fourth year," He said back to me sheepishly and gripped the rails tightly when the elevator started moving us up.

"I mean really I only asked you for one thing which was to let me take the lead and even then you couldn't do that—"

"Hey," he interrupted me and walked forward to wrap his arms around my head. Even though I wanted to resist his familiar smell and warm chest made me instantly relax, "I'm sorry I messed up I promise I won't interfere again."

"Yeah okay," I said muffled against his shirt and enjoyed the feeling of my chest against his warm clothing, wishing more than anything that we could be back in the Burrow the day of the wedding.

But we weren't.

The noise of the elevator rang as the doors sprang open and we were met with the pathway of an empty hallway, "ladies first," he teased.

Irresistible - f.weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now