Chapter Thirty

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Dedicated to Jesutoun Sijuade ❤

"Oh, my dear friend! You're so beautiful! And your eyes so beautiful-like doves!" --Song of Solomon 1:15 (MSG)

"Oh, my dear friend! You're so beautiful! And your eyes so beautiful-like doves!" --Song of Solomon 1:15 (MSG)

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The exhibit was in a week and Posi was putting final touches on everything needed.

It had been weeks and weeks of preparing for it. Posi had spent hours on ensuring that every part of the exhibit was par excellence. There had been an anonymous donation and she was thankful.

She hadn't known that she had a flair for organising things until now. She was loving every part of it.

Plus her relationship with God was just getting more intimate by the second. It felt like she could see Him physically even though He was a Spirit Being. She had best friends and she knew how close she was to them. However, what she experienced and kept on experiencing with God was something deeper. She could call on Him late at night, early in the morning, at work, at home, in a crowd, anywhere, anytime.

Posi could see now and she wasn't going blind again. Never again.

She discovered that even her other relationships with her friends and mum were also getting better on a daily basis.

She smiled as her thoughts morphed into new ones of how her friendship with Tayo was becoming more. She was open and trusting with him. And she knew there was a shift in their friendship. They talked for long hours, hung out a lot and even prayed together with Gerald and Funmi. The four of them had become so close too. Even Funmi had stopped harassing him; it was a miracle.

Besides that, they had both become almost permanent fixtures in each other's offices. The security at Tayo's building recognized her so much that she didn't need to call Kazeem to announce her arrival anymore.

On one of those days when he came in for his photoshoot towards the exhibit, they had gotten talking.

The photoshoot had just ended and Posi was busy selecting the photos to be used while Tayo chatted with Toyin. From her peripheral vision, Posi could see Toyin smiling more than usual at her and even sent a wink in her direction. It was almost like she was giving her a "I approve of this uncle" vibe.

Tayo had walked up to her to see what she was working on before sitting on the chair opposite hers. He sat in silence and gazed at her till she raised her head.


"What what?" He had asked like he didn't know what she was talking about.

"You know what. Why are you peering at me? Do I look like a piece of grilled chicken?"

He had roared in laughter at that. "No. You're too beautiful to be a piece of chicken."

Smooth, Posi thought. "So what's up?"

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