Chapter Thirty-nine

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Dedicated to veeky123

Nothing between us and God, our faces shining with the brightness of his face. And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him. --2 Corinthians 3:18 (MSG)

 --2 Corinthians 3:18 (MSG)

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What are friends for?

That single statement Posi made had been echoing in his mind for days. As much as he knew he should be glad that he had worked things out with his parents, the fact that Posi referred to them as friends still left a sour taste in his mouth.

Friends. He didn't even know where she got the idea that he wanted to be friends with her. He had even thought he was coming on too strong.

Alas! I seem not to be doing enough. Operation Get Out of the Friendzone is a go.

Tayo moved towards his walk-in closet to prepare for his day and it was like he was walking through the emotions that had flowed through him when he told his parents that he loved them and was glad to be called their son.

He had travelled home after his elder brother left. Although things were a bit strained at first because his parents hadn't known how to address him. They later informed him that it was because they had been expecting the worst. Thankfully, everything had been resolved.

He still didn't know who his birth father was and he was okay with not knowing or trying to find out. He was also informed that his maternal aunt had passed a few years after his birth mum died. As much as he would have loved to meet her, he was just thankful that everything had worked out well.


Posi was sure she hadn't imagined the change in Tayo's demeanour the day she had ambushed him at work. She had called him friend. And he was her friend, wasn't he?

However, the surprised-slash-disappointed look he had on display made her think otherwise. It wasn't like he had made a move, right? Or maybe he had and she had missed it? Or she wasn't ready to recognize and accept that he had been making moves?

Sighing, she absentmindedly moved things around on her table.

"Hello o."

Startled, she looked up to see the object of her thoughts and musings. "Tee, hey."

He moved towards her and peered into her face like she had something on her face.

With a forced giggle, she asked, "What's it? Is something on my face?" She patted her face as she searched blindly for what could be the problem.

"Well, there's something that isn't on your face," Tayo replied with a serious expression. He straightened to his full height and tucked his hands in his pockets.

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