Chapter Forty-one

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Dedicated to shay_uunxo

Find a good spouse, you find a good life— and even more: the favor of God !
--Proverbs 18:22 (MSG)

Find a good spouse, you find a good life— and even more: the favor of God ! --Proverbs 18:22 (MSG)

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Talk with her.
Impress her.
Flirt with her.
Ask her to be your girlfriend.

Tayo was just a few more scrolls away from flinging his phone onto the sofa in his office. He had been searching earnestly on Google on how to ask Posi to be his girlfriend. And all the things he read just made him scoff.

What is this? He was tired of all the ideas in there. Has someone not done something original?

If you wanted something original, you won't be searching Google now, would you?

Well, that was true. He had to think. He couldn't afford to botch it with Posi. She was too precious for that.

He had been thinking long and hard since the moment he got a green light. He wasn't even sure if it was really a green light. He just felt like now was the moment.

Weeks after his relationship with his family got back on track, Funmi and Gerald asked him to be their best man for their wedding which was coming up in roughly a month. Of course, he had been surprised that Gerald hadn't found one at the time, but he was more than honoured that they had extended such an honour to him and had excitedly accepted.

However, as the days went by, he began to question his premature excitement. Funmi had the two of them running errands that bordered on it seeming like she was bullying them. He wasn't even the groom and he was already feeling the stress as if it was his wedding he was planning for. Although he was so happy to see Funmi and Gerald get closer and more relaxed as their wedding date drew closer, he really didn't want to be stressed.

I hope Posi won't be like this. He laughed at himself. He sure was jumping the gun, placing the cart before the horse, definitely counting his chicks before they hatched and every other idiom or proverb that applied to his situation. He hadn't even asked her to be his girlfriend and here he was, imagining her as a wife. He was losing focus.

The five of them, including GP, had been spending time together. They somehow made it work even though GP wasn't around physically. Their chatroom was a field for memes, hilarious stickers and goofy retellings of their life. And most of the time, it was an atmosphere of love, joy and prayers.

He had a great family, loving friends and a successful company. All that was left was for him to ask Posi to be his girl. And God willing, he'll be accepted.

Tayo lifted his face up towards the ceiling as if he expected a visible splash of idea to fall on him.

Nothing is impossible.

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