Chapter Twenty-two

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Dedicated to damadrench❤❤

Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. --Proverbs 11:14 (KJV)

Posi gave directions as they approached the more interior parts that led to her building

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Posi gave directions as they approached the more interior parts that led to her building. They had talked about any and every thing ranging from work, friends, general topics that they both deemed safe enough for their budding friendship. 

Posi truly had a great time with him and she discovered he was a smart one. He was witty when he wanted to be and he seemed wise beyond his years too. 

As the car stopped in front of her building, Posi thanked him for the beautiful and fun-filled outing. 

"And I promise that you will enjoy the small chops. It's like water to a thirsty soul," she commented. 

"Okay. If you say so. Thank you for coming out today too. I'm sure you had other things to do." Tayo smiled. 

Yeah, there goes The Colgate Smile again.

Posi lifted her left brow at him as she said, "Like you gave me a choice. But I'm glad I obliged. So, urm. Have a great night. And maybe we will see at church tomorrow."

"Yes, have a great night too." 

She alighted from his car, before she turned again. "Please, let me know when you get home. 'Night."

Posi heard a faint "goodnight" as she shut the door and waited for him to drive off. 


Tayo glanced in his side mirror when he was a few paces from her gate to ensure she had walked into her compound. He wasn't sure he wanted to do the "you go first" dance with Posi.

Once he was sure she had gone in, he drove off and a smile made his way to his lips.

Hehehe. I didn't even need to ask if I could call her again. 

Tayo whistled along to Limoblaze and Ada's Okay, which was playing from his phone connected to his bluetooth speaker as he drove towards his house. Thankfully, traffic wasn't as bad as he had envisaged. So, he got home smoothly.

As Isaiah shut the gate, Tayo picked his "gift" from Posi and strode majestically towards his house with a cheery greeting thrown in Isaiah's direction. 

Walking into his apartment, he noted the clean smell that assailed his senses. 

The cleaning lady definitely came in today. Everything is just sweet today. Hmmmm.

Whistling, he sunk into a chair and opened the takeaway pack with him. He speared a piece of spring roll and munched on it. 

"Hmm," he muttered as he picked up his phone to call Posi. 

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