Chapter Forty-two

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Dedicated to Mhiztemmy

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
--Genesis 2:23‭-‬24 (KJV)

 --Genesis 2:23‭-‬24 (KJV)

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Six months later...

The tune of the processional hymn 'Great is Thy Faithfulness' brought him out of his reverie as he turned to see his bride walking towards him resplendent in her white gown. She looked so beautiful, like a queen, walking down the aisle towards him. He beamed a smile at her and she replied with a matching one. They were always so open about their smiles and love for each other, and today was the day to finally seal that love before many witnesses. 

The ceremony passed by him in a blur and all he could remember was the feel of her hand in his when her father handed her over to him, when they both said 'I do' and exchanged the rings.

"I now pronounce you man and wife!" he heard his Pastor exclaim.

He was finally going to be allowed to kiss her. He felt her stiffen slightly when he was about to kiss her and he had expected that. They had done everything to keep themselves till this moment. And truth be told, it hadn't been easy. They had had to take drastic measures like ensuring they hung out with friends, staying accountable to their pastors and never watching some type of movies together. No matter how harmless it seemed. 

And now, it was proven. Waiting was just the best thing. 

They both turned to the congregation as they were announced as the latest married couple in town. The joy he felt was nothing to be compared with. All he wanted to do was lift his wife and twirl her around. As he moved forwards to do that, his best man placed a restraining hand on his shoulder. 

He turned to look at him and winked as if to say it will be your turn soon. 

Gerald turned back to his wife and held her hands like his life depended on it. 

Mrs Funmilayo Coker was now his. 


Tayo totally understood how Gerald was feeling at the moment but if he carried Funmi now, it would be close to an outrage. They were in an orthodox church and such actions could be frowned upon. 

But he was truly glad for them and he could see the enthusiasm on Posi's face from where she stood beside her friend. God was indeed awesome to their friends and all the glory was His. 

Their wedding ought to have been done six months ago but Funmi had been rushed to the hospital roughly a week to the D-day. 


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