Chapter Four

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Dedicated to comfywrites❤❤

No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it. --
1 Corinthians 10:13 (MSG)

"Mum, I will be home for the ceremony

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"Mum, I will be home for the ceremony. I already told you."

"Now, why would I do that?"

"Okay. Love you. Bye, mum. My love to dad."

Tayo hung up his cell phone laughing. His parents were definitely up to something and he had an idea what it was. However, he decided to play along and see what their plans were. He loved his parents so much and despite all he had been through and even done, they were still there for him.

Oba Aderopo Asiwaju Sijuade and Olori Aderonke Yetunde Sijuade were important to him. Asides from them being his parents, they were also the one constant in his life, at least when it came to the humans in his life. They were so supportive of him and his dreams while at the same time, they voiced their thoughts whenever they had to advise him. It was heartwarming how they brought up himself and his siblings. It was like they were parents and even their best friends at the same time.

Tayo could remember the numerous times his younger sisters had pleaded with his parents to narrate the story of how his father had come to be the King. He smiled again. Oh how he had longed for a love like theirs. A love that withstood every trial. He had had it and then…

No, not now.

He stood from his seat, for the last time that day as he made preparations to go home.

As he stepped out of his office, he met Kazeem sitting in the waiting area just outside his office, trying his hardest not to doze off.

"Kazeem," he called, which made Kazeem jolt into an upright position. "I know I have told you countless times to not wait for me to close up before you leave. You can always leave at the general closing time."

Kazeem, still a tad disoriented, shrugged and responded, "I don't mind waiting, sir. Besides,  there's no one I'm rushing to meet at home. I am as single as a singlet, sir."

Laughing, Tayo shook his head. "Okay o, Mr Singlet. But you don't have to wait for me. You just let me know when you are leaving for the day and you can head home. You hear me?"

"Yes, sir," came the reply.


As Tayo drove home, his thoughts returned to the interview he had had days earlier. He sighed as he remembered how he had reacted and poured out his frustrations on the journalist. It definitely wasn't a proud moment for him, but he had been fixated on just one thing: getting that journalist to stop her questioning. He hadn't even been able to go to his house since that day and had been sleeping in his makeshift bedroom in his office.

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