Chapter Two

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Dedicated to PauletteOdongo❤❤

For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,' says the Lord , 'plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. - Jeremiah 29:11 (AMP)

"You should have consulted me first now

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"You should have consulted me first now. Àbí, irú kí leleyii now, ehn? What is all these now?" Ayomiposi Faleye growled causing the couple on the opposite table to glance at her.

Posi, as she was fondly called, was currently in her favourite restaurant, Bites 'n' Chops, eating her favourite small chops combo with a glass of chilled Chapman. She had her left hand around her glass of Chapman and had the look of someone who wanted to fling the contents at her companions.

It seemed she believed that her glare was enough to kill but it only accentuated her small facial features and made her look adorable. Her small round face held almond-shaped eyes with the lightest shade of brown eyes, long but scanty eyelashes and naturally well-shaped eyebrows. Only her slightly deep voice corrected people's perception of her. Or so she thought.

It was common knowledge that once Miss Faleye, as her employees or acquaintances called her, began to add "now" after every sentence that she was on the precipice of anger and just a little poke was sure to send her over the edge. The "now" was a sure signal to any smart person to give her space to cool off before approaching her for anything for she was known for her fiery temper.

It was probably to reiterate the fact that she didn't believe she was adorable.

However, space was not to be given this day as the people who seemed to have rolled her to the said precipice were her best friends, Gerald and Funmilayo, who were seated opposite her in the long backed cushioned chairs. And one more thing, they didn't care if she rolled off the edge as they just rolled their eyes and continued to smile like they had won a lottery.

She was fierce, but her friends didn't seem to think so.

The trio had met and had been friends since their University days. Gerald Coker was a six-foot-four-inch dark-skinned guy with eyes that transformed into slits whenever he smiled fully that one would almost think he had no iris or pupil. He was clean-shaven with a really pointed nose unusual for a Nigerian. He always tried to keep the peace wherever he was, but could be mischievous too.

Funmilayo Animashaun was almost a total opposite. Posi and Gerald almost always called her a dwarf due to her five feet slim frame. Light-skinned with eyes beautiful and huge enough to scare any person, framed by long curled lashes and well-plucked eyebrows, she was the straight-forward, unpretentious person and her friends loved her for it.

"And what would consulting you have yielded?" Funmilayo asked amusedly as she sipped her Coca-Cola drink. "Ehn, tell us, Miss 'Her Royal Highness' Faleye."

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