Chapter Eighteen

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Dedicated to my beautiful mum. ❤❤

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. --Matthew 6:33 (KJV)

"There is something far greater than what we can amass on earth

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"There is something far greater than what we can amass on earth. Amen. There is Someone Who is more than able to surpass our imaginations and thoughts and desires. But are we ready to truly let Him do His work in us? Are we ready to be and do what it takes to follow through? Is He your greatest desire?"

The pastor, who Posi learned to be Pastor Toba Bamidele, looked around the congregation with his eyes flitting from one member of the congregation to another before he continued.

"Scripture says in Matthew 6, in verse 33, the King James Version translation of the bible. Let's read together loud and clear from the media screen. Yes," he said as the congregation read aloud.

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

He turned to look at the congregation again.

"Seek ye first. Seek ye first," he repeated. "Seeking Him is the first thing to do before any other thing. He is the only One Who can truly satisfy the longing of your soul! He is the only One Who truly cares without a shadow of a doubt what happens to you. Why? He made you in His image and after His likeness! He made you to be like Him! He wants you, all of you. The broken parts, the flawed part, the ugly part, the beautiful part. Every single part and side of you. But are you willing to come to Him first? Are you willing to make Him first?"

"Yes, challenges will come. I assure you that. Trials of your faith will come. Apostle James in James 1, in verses 2 and 3 tells us the trials of our faith works patience in us. Patience. And he had afore written in the previous chapter to count it all joy! Glory! Hallelujah!"

The congregation erupted into whooping and cascading wave of Glory! Amen!

"And the most amazing part of all these is that whatever you're going through is a light affliction. Wow! No matter your situation, challenge or thorn in the flesh being suffered for being associated with God. Scripture calls them light affliction. Light, that is, not heavy, weightless, momentary, passing. And then, it went on to say it works for us, for you, a far more greater weight of glory! In other words, the glory outweighs the affliction every time. So, no matter what the devil throws at you, it is still momentary and passing because there is something heavier and weightier that God has for you."

Posi jotted down as she listened to her Pastor preach.

"Look at Abraham, Job, Jesus and countless examples in scriptures. It is all about giving Him first place in all you do."

"The condition to this is that this is only possible to those who are in Him. Those who have decided to seek their God first. Those who have made a firm decision to stay with him, no matter what happens. Then, and only then, will all other things be added. Everything you have been struggling and hustling to get. Everything you have been striving, working your fingers to the bone to get. The love of another, the money, the wealth, the recognition and fame, the car, spouse, the feeling of satisfaction and fulfilment etc. They can only be gotten when you're in Christ and have decided to seek God first. Amen."

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