Chapter Twenty-seven

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Dedicated to kimtasha16 ❤❤

Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you. --1 Peter 5:7 (TPT)

Tayo stared at the calendar, with his gaze so fixated that it could have burnt a hole through it

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Tayo stared at the calendar, with his gaze so fixated that it could have burnt a hole through it.

The date was significant. It was the day Doubra and his unborn child had gone to be with the Lord.

He had woken up that morning with a mood he didn't understand. Even praying in other tongues had felt like chewing dry stone-filled garri, but he had pushed through it.

It was when Kazeem was filling him in on his schedule for the day that he realized just why he felt the way he was feeling. It was the second year and it felt like a long time had passed since that fateful day.

Tayo knew he couldn't afford to allow his feelings to dictate his responses and he definitely didn't want to slip back into that depressing moment of his life, knowingly or unknowingly. So, he made a decision: he'd take some time off his day, go home and then spend time giving God thanks for Doubra's life, his baby's and his. He was determined to be full of thanks rather than worry. Besides, he couldn't bring them back to life. All he could do was be thankful that they were in a better place with God, and for all God had used Doubra for in her short stay in his life and on earth.

I choose to be thankful. I choose to see the good.

It wasn't going to be easy as evidenced by the twinge of pain he could already feel in his chest. But he wasn't subject to his body. He really was going to push through the day. He had the Comforter. What more could he want?


"So, how is the exhibit going to go, ma?" Toyin asked, with her pen poised over her notepad.

Posi gave a full-on smile as she remembered what inspiration she had received. When she told Tayo that she had received answers to some questions she had, she wasn't joking.

During that service, she wrote the inspiration down as she had received them. Looking around her table, she picked up the notepad she had written in, searched for the page before she showed it to Toyin.

The Exhibit
Art fused with photography
Each picture is like half a painting and half camera-shot pic.

Named The Hurting, The Longing, The Searching and The Revealing all showing that they are still masterpieces irrespective of the stages they are in.

"Wow. Okay. So, do we need to get a model for the paintings and shoot?"

"Yes, we do. And I think I have someone in mind already. I just need to ask him if he can do it. Also, we need to rent the space above us for the exhibit. I'll take the photographs and do the painting too. So, we need to begin planning. It should hold in two months' time tops."

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