Chapter Thirty-eight

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Dedicated to lemmysong

And ye are Christ's; and Christ is God's. --1 Corinthians 3:23 (KJV)

 --1 Corinthians 3:23 (KJV)

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Good morning, Abba.

Posi muttered as she awoke just before her alarm went off. Recently, she noticed that her alarm clock was almost useless as she almost always woke up before it.

Well, since the Holy Spirit has added Personal Alarm Clock to the list of His seven workings, what more could I want?

She snickered to herself as she reached for her Bible and devotional. She was sure He was more than happy to wake her.

Some minutes later, she began to pray for her day and her relationship with her parents but before she knew it, the prayer had turned to one for the Sijuade family. Yes, she knew something wasn't right but if her prayers turned to them, then it must be for a reason. She continued to pray till it was time to prepare for work.

She stood to go about her preparation when thoughts of her previous phone call with her mum sailed back into her mind. Her mum wanted her to go see her dad but she still didn't know how she felt about that.

With her mum, she'd known what to say and how to act. Well, to some extent. But with her dad, that would be a totally different scenario. Her relationship with him had never really been cordial. He had been one of those dads who didn't express themselves very well. It was all about the provision of money and basic components of living, with him. She couldn't even remember one time when he had spoken words that weren't borderline commands to her.

Now, he wanted to mend their relationship. But there hadn't been one. Posi had told her mum that she'd think about it. And she knew soon enough, her mum wouldn't accept such statements from her.

Posi's thoughts turned to Tayo. The guy had been radio silent for roughly a week since they returned from their trip to his family's home. Even the times she saw him at church, he was a mellow version of himself and he always seemed to be trying too hard to be his normal self. He had promised to tell her what was going on with him, but that had been when he dropped her off at home, one week ago.

She called him but he just seemed to not want to talk. So, she changed tactics by sending him texts or chats. Even their WhatsApp group page was filled with messages for him. He always read them and would reply with an emoji. So, at least, they knew he was alive. Gerald and Funmi seemed to think she was his P.A because they kept asking her how he was doing. She never had much to say because she also didn't know.

As soon as she had her stud earrings clipped in, she picked up her phone and dialled Kazeem's number.

"Hello, Miss Faleye. Good morning," Kazeem greeted.

Posi smiled. "Good morning, Kazeem."

They exchanged pleasantries before Posi asked, "Is your boss in today?"

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