Chapter Twenty-six

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Dedicated to ajumbi ❤❤

Going through a long line of prophets, God has been addressing our ancestors in different ways for centuries. Recently he spoke to us directly through his Son. By his Son, God created the world in the beginning, and it will all belong to the Son at the end. --Hebrews 1:1‭-‬2 (MSG)

 --Hebrews 1:1‭-‬2 (MSG)

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Art exhibit.

Posi's eyes took in her surroundings as she slowly opened her eyes. She had had one of those dreams again. And this time, something was different. Even now, as she slowly moved into a sitting position in bed, she felt a warmth all over her.

A warmth that she was sure her thermometer would be unable to pick. A warmth that her air conditioner couldn't cool off. It was indescribable how she felt. It was almost like God had visited her in her dream.

Posi reached for the closest notepad and pen to her. She had picked up the habit of keeping stationeries close to her as soon as she discovered that God dropped instructions in her spirit. Other times, it was to note down new revelations that dawned in her. And tonight, she knew as sure as her name was that she had heard God's voice loud and clear.

She shut her eyes as she searched her spirit to remember the exact words God had said. The second it began to come back to her, she scribbled soundlessly in her notepad. For an artist like herself, she had a very beautiful calligraphy-like handwriting but she couldn't be bothered with that as she rushed to write down all she had received. Anyone looking in on her would have thought she was in a daze or under some sort of spell; an Unseen influence.

As she made the last full stop, Posi stared at the words before she began to use her fingers to follow each word as she read it silently again to herself.

One particular paragraph struck her and she read it again:

"Masterpiece, just like I have made you, I have made many others into the same. I want you to help them see who they are. Help them to see that they are masterpieces too."

Art exhibit.

That phrase came again. She didn't know what it meant or how it correlated with the dream and instruction she just received.

Why not ask the One Who knows then?

Good idea.

"Good morning, Holy Spirit."

Good morning, Masterpiece.

It became clearer to her what she needed to do as she meditated during her quiet time.

Art exhibit it is.


"Wow! That's a beautiful one, ma. I'm so glad you have met God and I'm so glad to be a part of this project." Toyin was saying. Posi had just told her about her salvation experience and the mind-boggling events that had since followed, including the instruction to hold an art exhibit.

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