Chapter Sixteen

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Dedicated to BobRyan874❤❤

But now, O Lord , thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.
--Isaiah 64:8 (KJV)

Tayo smiled as he dropped his phone

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Tayo smiled as he dropped his phone. GP had just called to let him know that he had gotten back home. 

They had arrived in Lagos in the late afternoon on Tuesday. And GP had decided to take the next flight back home the next day. It was really great to have had his friend visit. He even missed him already. 

He turned his gaze to his ring. He had grown so used to playing with it. It now felt cold and heavy around his finger.

He remembered the day they had gone to select their rings. Doubra wasn't so fussy about selecting them like he thought. She told him she just wanted a ring they both liked and that it didn't even have to be expensive. They had wandered around the bridal shop till she walked towards a set of rings that seemed to match what she wanted.

If he closed his eyes, he was sure he could still see the gleam in her eyes as she turned to him and said, "This is the one." That was all it took to select the rings.

To any other person, the rings were just silver-coloured circular bands to signify a marital relationship. But to them, it was "the one" symbol that was meant to bound their hearts together forever. Now, it was just a piece of jewelry that laid cold and heavy.

Forever. Tayo sighed as he made a move to go into his room.

My yoke is easy. My burden is light. 

Tayo paused as he heard Him speak to him. What was He talking about? 

What are You talking about, Abba? 

My yoke is easy. My burden is light. 

Tayo understood immediately. He still carried that weight of letting his last tie with Doubra go. He wasn't ready. 

Not yet, Father. Just a little while more. Let me wear it. For now. 


Tayo sighed. He twirled the ring again and made a move to remove it. He shut his eyes and settled it back into his finger. 

Just a little while more. 


"Good morning, God."

Posi spoke out as she peered at her ceiling like she wanted to see through it to the heavens where she believed God was seated. 

After turning her head this way and that way for some seconds, and it felt like she was going crazy, she shut her eyes and exhaled. 

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