Chapter Five

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Dedicated to OladoyinAbigailZacc❤❤

Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. --1 John 3:1 (KJV)

Tayo had been born into a wealthy home

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Tayo had been born into a wealthy home. Wealthy was even an understatement as his family was one of the wealthiest and first grade royal families in Nigeria. His parents, Oba Aderopo and Olori Aderonke, along with the other wife, Olori Ariyike, were well-known to be the most fashionable King and Queens among the royal families nationwide. The love among them was unrivalled but it hadn't always been so.

Oba Aderopo, then Prince, had been married to Aderonke when he was done with his studies in the University of London. They both had attended the same university. He hadn't been a prince bothered about the throne because he still had an elder brother who was meant to be next in line for the throne after his father. However, an unforeseen accident had cut short his life and his father, Oba Adewale had died not long after then. Oba Aderopo had been summoned back to Nigeria to take on the throne. He couldn't refuse as it was his Royal duty to the throne but that didn't mean he had wanted to.

At first, it had been hard and difficult for Yetunde, now Olori Aderonke, to accept but she had been prepared for it. Somehow, they both had talked about the possibility of him being called back home to rule, but that had been one time and it was hypothetical. Their hypothetical discussion had become a reality and they were needed. They had rushed back to Nigeria and were now the King and Queen of Igbohoni in the city of Ibadan. The King had taken on one more wife after a lot of pressure and they all lived in the palace.

Olatayo's royal name was Adekitan. He had always been a bright boy and had gotten in the tertiary institution quite early. He also attended the University of London to pursue degrees in Business and Accounting. As a young prince, he had always had this feeling of emptiness and incompleteness despite all the opulence and attention surrounding him. He just couldn't place his finger on it.

He had tried to use knowledge to fill it up and that led him to become even more knowledgeable. When that wasn't enough, he tried his hands on alcohol and then to hard drugs but they all failed to fill that emptiness. He couldn't understand it. He had everything humanly possible that any human could ever want but he just wasn't satisfied. There had to be something more. His family was there for him, but he still felt lost in the family probably because of the number of siblings he had both from his mum and step-mum. He felt the love but it still wasn't enough.

His family was there for him when he went into drugs and other philandering ways. Thankfully, it hadn't become an addiction, so it hadn't been difficult to stop. But he still felt that void and then he met Doubra Obeh.

Oh, it was almost a love at first sight for him.


Tayo saw Doubra for the very first time some weeks after he had gotten clean. He had come visiting during his final school break before graduation and was bored of just being in the palace, so he had taken one of the cars and invited his friend, Dipo, along. Oladipo was one of the Chief's son and had been friends with Tayo, for as long as he could remember.

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