Chapter Twenty-one

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Dedicated to @_Lehin ❤❤

Until then, there are three things that remain: faith, hope, and love-yet love surpasses them all. So above all else, let love be the beautiful prize for which you run. --1 Corinthians 13:13 (TPT)

 --1 Corinthians 13:13 (TPT)

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Two hours to go.

Tayo was back in his house to freshen up. He couldn't wait for the time to hit 6:30pm and it was showing in his actions.

He was having a hard time choosing between his spotless white shirt and navy blue shirt. Or should I wear my black muscle top? It seems to make me seem more masculine.

He wasn't girl-crazy but there was just something about Posi that just kept drawing him. Yes, she was beautiful. Very beautiful in fact, and it didn't hurt that he could get lost in her very expressive brown eyes.

But that wasn't it.

She exuded a strength and depth that he found endearing. Like someone who had gone through the fire but had still gotten out finer, purer and shinnier.

Besides, he had stayed isolated for too long. It was time to go out and meet people. Like Posi.

He had even decided to begin taking days off work. His company had gotten to the stage where his presence wasn't needed 24/7. He had people he could trust, who could handle the company just like him. He wasn't slacking but there was certainly more to life than just working his fingers to the bone. He had even stumbled on one of his notes in which he had written about helping the hurting and dejected in the society. He had the money, he just didn't know how he would start it. It had been part of his prayers for a while now and he had even told Godspower about it.

Speaking of Godspower. His friend was still 'disguising' on Adetutu's matter and he had decided to speak to him about it. He had a few thoughts on why he wasn't pursuing his sister but he wasn't one to jump into conclusions.

As he ruminated on the several thoughts going through his mind, his gaze fell on the lone photograph of Doubra he had decided to leave in his bedroom. The past few days had been filled with packing up photos, clothes, jewelries and things that belonged to Doubra. It wasn't because he wanted to forget her or what they had shared. He just knew it was time. Time to move on. He realized he could move on and still treasure the memories he had of her.

He had even been able to move back into their bedroom. Although the memories dove at him from all angles, he had been able to smile and laugh through them all.

Clearing out his unborn baby's room had taken a lot out of him. That was equally painful as it was freeing. He kept a few things and decided to donate the rest of them. He had needed to do it and he was glad he had finally had the strength to.

His phone rang out and he checked the caller ID only to see his mum.

"Hello, my son."

"Good afternoon, mummy. How have you been?"

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