"Honey, Senior Skip Day is tomorrow and Mark is having a giant party for the entire class and everyone's getting drunk as f.uck," Nicole smirked and handed me a brownie. I was a little skeptical, but I took a bite and didn't taste anything off so I continued eating it.

The thought of getting f.ucked up during the weekend was previously the only thing I had lived for. Now it was quite the opposite. "I don't want to go..." Nicole's brownie nearly fell out of her mouth as she stared at me with wide eyes. This had to be the first time Nicole had ever heard me not want to go to a party.

"What the hell is your problem?" Nicole asked with half a brownie in her mouth. "You have been ignoring me for the past week and you are not the same as you used to be. It's that cop, isn't it?"

"Nicole, I haven't seen him since the school assembly," I lied to her but she wasn't buying it. She rolled her eyes at me and ate another brownie.

"You are getting f.ucked up tonight. I don't care," Nicole said with a smirk. I could tell by the way her face looked that I was definitely getting f.ucked up.

"What did you do to the brownies, Nicole?" I questioned as I swallowed the last bit of my brownie. I knew just by the way she was looking at me that she did something to them. I could feel the brownie go down my throat and I desperately wished to rewind a few seconds to when I hadn't taken a bite.

"Just a 'lil ecstasy," Nicole winked at me and I felt my mouth go dry. I immediately ran out of the room and into the bathroom. I heard Nicole shouting my name as I tried to gag myself. But after years of deep throating, my gag reflex was gone. "Nice try, darling." I heard from behind me in a mocking voice. "Remember how we used to practice sticking our fingers down our throats and not puking? I guess it really worked."

"F.uck you, Nicole," I groaned and stood up. What else could I do?

"Calm down, Ava," Nicole smiled at me as I tried to think of ways to get the ecstasy out of my system. The effects were already taking control of her. I could tell by the way her smile looked. She must've had a brownie before I came. Her eyes were glazed over and her smile seemed fake. She seemed too happy. "Let's go make some dinner. Devin will be here at 8 and we don't want to get drunk on an empty stomach, now do we?"

"Nicole, I need to go home." I said and started walking towards the door. I would call Zayn and have him come get me. He would be happy that I got out of there before anything happened. Nicole pushed me against the wall and caressed my face.

"You can't go home," She smiled sweetly. "You promised you'd stay."

"I never said that," I shook my head and Nicole started giggling. She kissed my cheek and pushed my hair from my face.

"Don't bail on me now, pretty girl," Nicole smirked and walked into the kitchen, swaying her tiny hips side to side.

* * *

"And then he came all over my shirt!" Nicole laughed as she fixed her bra. I fell down in a fit of laughter and couldn't get up. Nicole turned the music up and the bass flowed through my ears. Nicole had let me borrow a strapless bra and a thong so I was sitting in front of the door putting my makeup on only in my underwear.

"Did you go topless?" I giggled as I covered my lids in a black eye shadow. Even when I was drunk and on ecstasy, I still could do the perfect smoky eye.

"No," She shook her head. "Mark gave me a shirt." I colored the other lid and then smiled at myself in the mirror. I looked like my old self. Why had I ever wanted to change? Getting f.ucked up was the way to go.

"Can you curl my hair?" I asked her after I put mascara on my face sloppily. I closed my eyes and there was now small lines of mascara under my eyes, but it didn't matter. Nicole nodded and we both skipped over to the bathroom.

As I sat on the counter, the full effects of the pill began to set in. I felt fully alive. Every sound I heard was amplified. Everything I felt was stronger. My body was radiating and I couldn't stop smiling.

"Done," Nicole smiled at me and ran her fingers through my hair. It only felt like a quick minute that she was doing my hair, but it must have taken longer. She pressed her lips to my cheek and then started curling her own hair. I smiled at her and walked out to her room. I stumbled to her closet and looked around for the perfect dress. I found a tube dress that was supposed to be a shirt but I pulled it on. "Damn!" Nicole smiled. I spun around for her and then collapsed in a fit of giggles.

"Is it too short? Can you see my thong?" I asked and spun around.

"You can kinda see the thong, but it looks perfect. I have some fishnets, wanna wear 'em?" She slurred and made her way to her cabinet. She pulled out fishnets and I tugged them on before looking at myself in the mirror. I looked hot.

Nicole handed me a bottle of vodka and I took a big gulp before handing it back to her. The liquid burned my throat and then took root in my veins. With each second, I felt more alive. I looked out the window and saw that there was a car in the driveway. "The boys are here!" I squealed and grabbed some heels. Nicole ran to the window and pull on shoes before chugging some vodka.

We both scurried out of the house with big smiles and climbed into the car. There were two guys in the back and I climbed in with them. One of them look familiar and he put an arm around me. I giggled and leaned closer to him. He started kissing my neck while the other guy's hand started going up my thigh.

Every touch felt absolutely amazing and I couldn't stop myself from letting out soft moans. Nicole was feeling up the driver who I didn't recognize. The guy next to me continued kissing my neck as the other guy rubbed my center through my thong.

AN: OOOO I wonder what's going to happen next chapter??

Early update is 115 votes; whether or not you get to it, I will update next Friday!! Thank you soooooooo much for reading, commenting, and voting!!! I absolutely loveeeeeee it!!

Alsoo does anyone like the new cover? Ik I've had it for a while, but still...should I switch it back to the other one? The only difference is that this cover is actually Adelaide Kane, who I imagine playing Ava...hmm


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