23: ☆ seperate ways ☆

Start from the beginning

But I guess things change.

Instead of wallowing in my own pity I took out the parchment from yesterday that I had stashed in the drawer and started forming my own plan.

I could do this myself.

The words we knew for certain were six of them: Nagini, Skender, New York, Fiendfyre, and Oak Club.

I dug deep and tried to think about the details behind the last words. Since I lived in America at one point I knew that the Oak Club was the name of one of those hot spots in New York that celebrities would host their events in.

If Skender was there then did that mean there was a subsection to the club that was for magical beings? Or did Muggles and Wizards just mix together?

I started writing down the best forms of transportation since I knew that was the first thing i'd have to figure out. Flying on a broom was crossed off immediately since it would take hours—possibly days to fly across the country.

Another thing was the floo network. But we didn't have a reliable enough source in America that could ensure our safety if we landed into their home.

As of now apparation seemed the most likely option, since I still had my license back when I lived there, even though it would take an enormous amount of effort to have me travel that far.

I stopped moving my pen and played with it in the air, debating if I should be writing down the plan with an additional person helping me.

I wanted to send my own note to Fred, some kind of tip that I was staying here or explanation but was that selfish? I knew that once I told him my plan he would refuse to let me go on my own, and I didn't know if I was willing to put him in that much danger.

I shook my head and focused on writing down the stuff I was sure of. Today was April 2nd which meant there were two days until April 4th which was the date marked on the notepad. I had two days to plan everything out to a T in order to get myself there and back again.

I pulled out the bag that had the book on Skender and his circus, flipping through the pages to get a description on him. If he indeed was in the Oak Club at this day, I'd need to make sure I knew who to identify.

The picture in the page describing his life career was very small and also in black and white, not letting me see the real color of his traits.

A couple things I jot down was his copious amounts of facial hair as well as large width. His height appeared to be shorter than my own, which was another distinctive feature. His skin looked pale from the page and I tried to write down anything that could identify him; small beady eyes, thin mouth, straight hair.

For the next couple of hours I built an entire timeline for how I would spend the day once I got there on April 4th. It'll be important for me to get to the club early so I could find any of the exits and build strategy in case I need to make a quick getaway for someone spotting me.

I also needed to borrow some polyjuice potion from Hermione, since even in America i'm sure my face would turn some heads if wizards actually went there.

I had no idea what time Skender would get there so I wrote down that I would get there at 4:00, plenty of time to get there before the dinner rush and be able to pick a perfect spot to scope out the door in case he walked in after we came.

The door knocked and my head snapped up towards it, "hey."

I was surprised to see Ron standing there with his hands in his pockets, "can I come in?"

"Yeah I mean it's your room too," I shrugged and moved my papers behind me, "you don't mind if I move these papers behind me right? Don't want you to see my plan since we're keeping secrets and all."

Irresistible - f.weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now