22: ☆ greek ☆

Start from the beginning

"Why would that matter?" Ron said puzzled.

I looked down at my hands and started folding my fingers together, "well if we got in there he would see my thoughts—plans of what we're doing—"

"And figured out we're hunting Horcruxes," Hermione finished the sentence for me. I nodded quietly along with her and tried to keep my shameful head down.

"Violet we would know if he figured out what we were doing—or more so Harry would know," Ron tried to comfort me. We sat there for a couple seconds in silent, each taking the time to process what the other one said.

If Voldemort somehow figured out through me that we were trying to find his Horcruxes we would be screwed. He would do everything in his power to track his remaining ones and either hide them somewhere else or keep them with him.

"Violet," Harry opened the door to the room and walked inside. He rushed over to my bedside and leaned forward to hug me, "i'm glad you're alright."

"Thanks," I gave a weak smile in response, "and Sirius?"

"He had some Order business to take care of," Harry explained and sat on the edge of the bed beside me, "but he's fine. He's staying in a place your dad owns on the side. They both wish they could be here but they know it isn't safe."

"Well that's good to hear," I nodded at what he said, "Harry does your...scar hurt or anything?"

"My scar?" He looked at me confused, "why would my scar hurt?"

"So maybe he doesn't know?" I told the others, almost in a pleading voice wanting to believe what I said.

"What don't I know?—someone explain this to me," Harry told us, clearly out of patience.

"I saw him Harry. You know who. He got to the Manor as soon as we were leaving," I retold the story, "I was able to get into his mind and I found the thought I was looking for, the page on the book. I was just afraid that...he got into mine too and maybe saw what we were doing."

Harry pondered the thought for a moment, looking off to the side but then he shook his head, "I saw him too. His eyes but I thought I was being paranoid. If he knew what we were doing then I would've seen it by now."

The fact that Harry believed we were safe reassured me and I was able to let out a shaky breath, "okay good. And i'm sorry about Dobby. I should've never gotten him involved."

"You didn't, Sirius did," Harry cut me off, "and if he hadn't then the rest of us would be dead."

"Maybe we should start figuring out the notebook?" Hermione said softly, "I mean now that we know the language barrier it'll be much easier to read."

"We need to plan our trip first Hermione," Harry said with a knowing tone.

"Trip? What trip?" I asked confused.

"The one to Gringotts. To get into Bellatrix's vault," Ron answered for me.

"That's a smart plan," I nodded along, "but I don't think i'm going to be able to go with you guys."

"What," the three chorused together.

Hermione pulled her body back away from me, "where else would you go?"

"This notebook means something!" I raised my voice a bit, "Harry you've had your mission since that day at the Ministry and now I have to accept mine! I mean the name Nagini was in this fucking thing—that has to mean something!"

"You know you can't go alone," Hermione looked down, "we'll have to split up—"

"You're barking," Ron scoffed, "it's already bad enough that only three of us are going to try to break into Gringots. You think two are gonna be able to pull it off?"

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