19: ☆ deathly hallows ☆

Start from the beginning

Once we had gotten plenty of dirt on our shoes, and enough bug bites on our ankles to last a lifetime, the house was right in front of us.

"Keep off the dirigible plums?" I repeated the signs markings, "what the hell are those supposed to be?"

"Beats me," Ron shrugged and opened the gate to the house, "lets get a move on though yeah?"

"I think we should think of an approach that doesn't involve Harry Potter just landing on his doorstep," Hermione huffed and moved to the front of the group. With the raise of her fist she softly knocked on the door.

No one came for the first minute and we all glanced between each other, "wait right there!" I pointed and saw the curtain move inside slightly, "I definitely just saw someone move."

"Luna!" Ron said loudly and knocked even harder than Hermione had, "do you mind letting us in!"

"What is it? Who are you?" A voice sounded from the other end of the door but we still couldn't see their face.

"Luna is that you?" Hermione stepped forward.

"No!" The voice boomed, "what do you want?"

"Hello, Mr. Lovegood. I'm Harry Potter. We met a few months ago," Harry moved from behind us to direct line of sight of the peephole, "could we come in?"

"I'm not sure that would be okay to do...so much to consider with everything...oh my...alright come in."

Rumbling noises came from inside the house, and after several turns of locks the door opened up. An older man stood there, hair long past his shoulder, almost the color of a faded white and grey.

He didn't speak but just stood to the side, letting the four of us go in.

The inside was just as I expected Luna Lovegood's house to look like. There were clutters of mess all around the floor, dishes piled in the sink and papers all over the table.

Just like the outside weird plants were lied out across the room, and a couple of posters showcasing rare animals that I had never heard of before.

"What is this!" Hermione said loudly as she pointed to the wall.

There was something there, and it was a type of cone shaped object, much like the look of an animal's horn. The placement was quite odd as well, mounted on the wall but it's length pushing into the room.

"Yes—uh it's clearly just the horn of a Snokcack—"

"No it isn't" Hermione argued and we all flared at her. This was not the best way to get on his good side.

"Hermione," I said through my teeth embarrassed.

"No you guys don't get it," Hermione pushed, "it's an Erumpent horn! Such a dangerous thing to have in the house, since it can explode at the slightest touch!"

"No this is the horn of  a Snokcack just as I said before," Mr. Lovegood continued and with a slight elbow from Harry, Hermione stayed quiet. He brought down five cups to the table we were surrounding and perched all of them ontop of it.

"Where is Luna?" Ron asked once again.

"Oh Luna? She'll be along," he looked upon us with the same hazy look as her, "how can I help you, Mr. Potter?" He took a sip from his cup.

"Well it was actually about something you were wearing round your neck at the wedding. A symbol." To be polite I did the same as he had and took a sip of the drink. Even though I didn't like tea I tried it, and almost threw up when I did.

I had to physically lean forward to swallow the 'tea' and saw Ron grimacing, not hiding his expression nearly as well as I was.

"You mean this?" He used his fingers to pull out the chain from under his shirt.

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