Chapter 173

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Zaide was so understandably happy the next day that he was going back to school with Thomas, as his boyfriend. It felt as if it was a new phase of his life.

His friends all supported him, only if his parents...

No. Zaide refused to think about that right then as he arrived school.

Clearing of a throat behind him made him look around, only to face Seven who was shifting from one foot to another, rubbing his neck.

"What're you doing here, Seven?" Thomas asked protectively coming in front of Zaide, warning his classmate.

"Just wanna talk to Zaide, Thomas." Seven replied without any fire in his voice.

Zaide smiled brightly, taking a deep breath and shoved his boyfriend towards the school building. Thomas looked at him questioningly before seeing Zaide's reassuring smile, he turned to give them privacy.

"So," Zaide looked at Seven, "What do you wanna talk about?"

"Um, I'm sorry."

Zaide's mouth hung open hearing those words coming from Seven.

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