Chapter 127

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After dinner that night, there was a knock on Zaide's door, revealing it to be Zara who had barely stepped inside his room since they entered middle school. Zara usually called for Zaide if she needed anything, but that day, she went into the room, took a seat on the chair and even gave compliments.

"Neat room, Zai, except for the pile in the basket." Zaide smiled hearing the comment.

"I know, but you room's clean too. Moms do that to every child." They laughed together. "What're you doing in my room?"

"Just." She shrugged. "Why, can't I?" Zaide smiled happily. His sister was talking to him, just 'cause she wanted to, not because of anything she needed from him.

"Of course, you can."

"Although, you can do one thing for me, baby brother." She said as casually as she could.

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