Chapter 128

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Zaide forced a smile on his face. "Let me guess. It's about Thomas, isn't it?"

Zara tried to look offended, but at the end, she smiled. She pinched his cheek as she said, "You know it too well. I know he likes me even if he looks nonchalant and I know he considers you as a brother. You guys are close. So..."

Zaide cut her off, irritated. "Then, that makes you his sister."

Zara glared at him. "No, not necessarily. Stop teasing me." She took a deep breath. "As I was saying, please, just this once help me figure out how to make him confess to me."

"How?" Zaide was annoyed. He wanted to tell her off, but could not.

"I don't know. You seem to know him better than me."

"Make him jealous...?"

Zara thought about it for a moment and then she clapped her hand, cried a "Brilliant!" before existing his room.

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