Chapter 123

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After school Zaide was feeling more nervous than ever.

More nervous than when he had tried for the first time to tell Thomas that he loved him, more than the times when they were almost kissing, Zaide could feel his heart in his mouth.

"Um," Rome hesitated as they reached Alisha's car in the parking lot.

"What is it?" She sighed out.

"I promised Dan I'd go with him today. He wants to take me somewhere." Rome said shyly.

Zaide smiled at him. "You're going on a date. That's great."

Rome flushed as Dan's arms wrapped around Rome's shoulder.

"Sorry guys, I have to take him away from you." He smiled at the smaller boy. "Ready, babe?"

Zaide's eyes locked with Thomas' and he could see there was a promise from the older boy.

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