Chapter 119

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Zara's mousy face came in Thomas' line of vision when he entered his first class of the day. He winced a bit remembering how rudely he had told her that he was not interested. And it was true in every way possible.

The way she was looking at him was unpredictable and making him uncomfortable. He only wished that the incident was never repeated again.

"Thomas." Zara spoke as he took the seat next to her which was assigned since the start of the year.

"Yeah?" He was afraid of what she would do or say. Zaide and him were finally started to get somewhere and he did not want to jeopardise that.

"I know," she took a deep breath, "I know what I did the other day was way out of line. Even if you don't feel the same way, I hope we can still be friends."

Thomas could not believe his ears. Years of chasing, irritating attempts had come to an end over night?

No way, he was not that lucky, but then again, he never thought he would gather up his courage to kiss Zaide impulsively.

Thomas smiled. "Of course, we're friends."

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