Chapter 140

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Not only Dan but also Thomas was there with Philip and Zara. The small table was not sufficient for the seven of them, so they switched to another one.

Zaide never meant to be rude, but the situation was a little funny and annoying too to him.

Zara was there with Philip, but was hinting at Thomas who was trying to be discreet about the fact that he had been teasing Zaide by holding his hand under the table.

Rome was practically on Dan's lap, his back pressed against Dan's chest as they were laughing about something Dan murmured into his ear.

"Can't he see she's using him?" Alisha whispered to Zaide.

"Don't talk like that and how do you know she's using him?" Zaide whispered back.

The glare received in return was all the answers he needed. She tore into her pizza so savagely that even Thomas looked questioningly at Zaide.

His guilt feeling intensified.

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