Chapter 74

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The hour went by horribly. Zaide thanked God for Mr. Geller not leaving the room and let them do their homework.

Although occasional kick at the back of his chair jolted him up.

Mr. Geller would look at them and glared at Seven. He even warned the older boy, but it was to no avail.

As soon as the detention was over, Zaide got out of the room with Mr. Geller, but unfortunately, the teacher was going towards teachers' room and he had to head towards the main door which was on the opposite side of the school.

Zaide was about to make a run for the exit when he was halted to a stop by Seven pulling him back with the collar of his shirt.

"Where are you going, Zaide?" Seven spat his name so venomously that Zaide thought it was the last day on earth of his life.

Puppy LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora