Chapter 143

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The environment was calm, pleasurable even, but suffocating too.

Bill had to face far more situations like that than he was willing to admit just for the sake of his parents. He was dragged to boring parties, restaurants and even holiday trips for their business, not because they wanted to have quality family time.

He was happy as long as he was oblivious.

Anyway, he grew up.

Surprisingly, if the awkwardness on Seven's face was anything to go by, he would guess the same for him. Bill never thought he could have anything in common with the bratty bully.

"Are you okay?" He finally asked.

Seven looked completely at ease, but Bill could see how uncomfortable he actually was. "Yup, absolutely."

"Wanna get out of here?" He offered tentatively.

Seven did not have chance to answer. He did not need to. Before he could open his mouth or nod in confirmation, Bill was out of his seat and dragging him out of the stuffy place.

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