Chapter 152

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"Zara." The only word left Zaide's mouth before the aforementioned turned and left.

"Shit." Thomas cursed. "She saw us." He ran his hand through his hair.

Zaide looked at Thomas, still his heart beating fast. "Will that be such a bad thing? I'm not, I'm not embarrassed of you, Thomas."

Thomas stopped his pacing and looked at Zaide. "I'm not either, Zaide. Calling you mine is an honour."

The younger one was almost in tears. "Then?"

He hated seeing Zaide cry. "She could tell your parents. I know if your parents come to know about us, they won't accept it at any cost, Zaide." He said wiping the escaped tear with his thumb. "And my parents...? I'm not so sure about them."

Zaide's breath hitched. "I have to talk to her. I think she'll understand."

Both boys sighed in unison.

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