“You, darling, are underage,” He smirked and took another sip to taunt me.

“That didn’t stop you from f.ucking me in your car, now did it?” I raised my eyebrows and he nearly coughed up his wine.

“We were both over 18, weren’t we?” He retorted.

“And besides, I’ve had alcohol before.” I smirked at him. He looked up at me and swallowed some wine.

“Do you want me to arrest you for underage drinking?” He chuckled. Heat spread through my body as I thought of Zayn arresting me. If it went anything like the last time, I knew something good was coming.

“I wouldn’t mind if you arrested me,” I winked at him and took a sip of my drink.

“I’m completely aware of that,” He smiled at me. We both ordered our food and the waiter brought bread and oil over for us to snack on. We both ate some of the bread but then rejoined our hands.

“I could stare at you for hours,” I sighed as I looked at his beauty. The way his angular face glowed in the minimal light made him look like a god. His eyes glowed and I couldn’t believe how stunning he looked. He was too perfect to be a real person.

“I could do the same thing, baby,” He said softly and blew me a kiss. I blushed and blew him a kiss back.

“How’s your chest?”

“It’s sore for today, but I need to take my medicine when we get home,” He frowned.

“Does it hurt?”

“I had to check it afterwards we made love to make sure I didn’t break one of the stitches…” He chuckled and squeezed my hands lightly.

“Baby,” I frowned. “I’ll go on top from now on…”

“I like being on top though…” He frowned.

“We’ll figure it out when it happens,” I smirked at him and squeezed his hand softly. Zayn took another sip of his wine and took my hands again. He kissed my hands softly and then looked up at me. I got a warm feeling in my stomach as he kissed me.

“So when do you graduate?” Zayn questioned, drawing the attention back to me.

I couldn’t wait for graduation. I was finally going to be done with the damned town and I never had to come back again. I never had to see all of the faces of the boys I f.ucked again. I was done with it. “May 17th,” I grinned. “I’m so excited.” Graduation was probably the only reason why I started my senior year. Just the fact that I only had one more year left was amazing. I couldn’t quit while I was already so close. I wasn’t one for quitting.

“I can’t imagine,” He smiled back at me. “I remember when I graduated…it was so surreal to finally be out of the damn school systems.” I completely agreed with him.

I wonder what he was like in high school. Was he as sexy as he was now or was he a nerd? I couldn’t imagine him being a nerd. He was probably one of the badasses that smoked outside of the school. Just the thought of him smoking had me excited. I wasn’t normally one who thought guys smoking were attractive, but he was the only exception.

“So…I’ve noticed that you haven’t smoked a cigarette since the first night we met…” I raised my eyebrow at him and tried to create conversation. I had been wondering it for the past few days, so now was the perfect time to ask. He hadn’t smoked one since that first night and it bothered me. That smell on his lips was something that I will never be able to taste again.

Whenever I smelled cigarette smoke in public, I always thought about Zayn lying underneath me with his fingers running down my back. Even though he hadn’t even smoked yet that night, it was the memory that came to mind.

“I used to smoke a lot more, but I’ve cut down because I don’t want to ruin my stamina with you,” He winked at me and took piece of bread. “I need as much oxygen as possible while on top of you, darling. You wouldn’t want me coughing all the time, now would you?”

“Hmm, good choice,” I chuckled. I crossed my legs and sighed lightly. I caressed his legs with one of my feet and he smirked up at me. I was in the mood to tease him.

“Can we try to finish this dinner before you start feeling me up with your feet?” He smirked up at me.

“I’m not feeling you up, but I will if you want me to,” I flirted and he nearly coughed up his bread. I could just think about him trying to restrain himself as my foot gently touched on his manhood from underneath the table. He would probably come in his pants too quickly or have an awkward erection as we were walking out.

“Jesus Christ,” He coughed and took a sip of his water to help the bread go down. Our waitress walked by and put our food in front of us. We dug in and I realized how hungry I actually was. The salmon was exceptional and I kept shoveling it in my mouth. “Want some of mine?”

“Sure,” I said as I swallowed some of my salmon. Zayn got a forkful of his and held it out. I put the fork in my mouth and ate his swordfish slowly. “It’s surprisingly good.”

“I agree, but it’s not as good as the salmon, in my opinion,” He smiled and ate some of his swordfish.

“Do you want some of my salmon?” I questioned and he shook his head. It was weird that we had grown so used to each other. We were just having normal conversations now and everything seemed fine. “So what are your plans for tonight?”

It was also weird that we had a sort of normal relationship, besides the five year age gap and the fact that Zayn was a cop and I was not the most law abiding citizen. Zayn understood me more than anyone else ever had. He seemed to actually care for me.

“Well…” He smirked and stabbed at his swordfish, “I’m going to blindfold you and tie you up.” 

AN: 110 votes and I'll double update!!!!! Thanks so much for reading, commenting, and liking. It means soooooo much


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