10 - The Casket Girls

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Book: Marshall Twins
Chapter 10
Word Count: 2397

For centuries, people had come to New Orleans for a fresh start, hoping to find fortune, adventure, even love. Young society women imported from France with the promise of marrying a proper New Orleans gentleman...

Like the legendary casket girls.

Little did they know that the men who awaited them were far from proper, and not at all gentle.

The casket girls' legend lives on, now celebrated in typical New Orleans fashion, with stylish costumes and supernatural flair. It's a yearly reminder of how woman could be oppressed by selfish men and how they can triumph when brave enough to fight for themselves.

It is said that this is a man's world, and sometimes it is. For every Casket Girl that was saved, countless others were not...

But women are more resilient than given credit for. And some women, well, their oppressors had better watch out.


Avery stood in front of a mirror. She ran her hand down her stomach, a soft smile on her face, and she was dressed in her casket dress for the celebrations. She turned slightly to see the zip in the mirror, struggling to pull it up.

"Would you like some help?" At the voice, Avery looked in the mirror and saw Elijah's reflection stood in the doorway.

"You might need to use all your vampire strength." Avery smiled.

"Allow me." Elijah walked up behind her and began to fasten her zipper up.

"Thanks." Avery said. "Not too many pregnant casket girls, I guess."

"I think you look lovely. Only, I would..." Elijah touched the birthmark on her shoulder, Avery put her hand over it to cover it.

"I know. Keep the freaky werewolf birthmark covered."

"Well, I don't suspect any off the riff-raff here would dare lay a hand on you, knowing you're under the protection of Hayley and my family." Elijah stated. "Still, you shouldn't take any chances."

Avery stared at herself in the mirror.

"All knocked up and nowhere to go." She sighed.

"You know..." Elijah began. "If you wanted to attend the festivities tonight, I'd be more than willing to take you."

"You and Klaus are barely on speaking terms." Avery pointed out. "Let's not rock the boat, okay?"

"Of course." Elijah was mildly disappointed. He turned to leave, but Avery stopped him before he reached the door.

"Elijah?" Elijah turned towards Avery again. "Do you mind?" She gestured to her zip. So Elijah slowly walked over.

"Not at all." He slowly pulled Avery's zip down for her, and then both of them just stared at their reflections in the mirror with Elijah stood right behind Avery that she could feel his breath by her ear.

After a moment of silent, Elijah turned and left.


At the French Quarter, Rebekah stood outside of a shop, searching through a rack of dresses. She couldn't quite find the right one.

"Dull, dreary, hideous..." Rebekah spoke one negative word after each dress that she looked at.

"Talking about the clothes, or something else?" Marcel appeared behind her.

"Why, feeling insecure?" Rebekah took one quick glance at Marcel before looking back at the dresses. "This festival might as well be in my honour. I need a proper costume, so bugger off."

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