18 - The Big Uneasy

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Book: Marshall Twins
Chapter 18
Word Count: 3823

Avery and Hayley were drinking tea on the porch with Eve, where they remarked on all the new werewolves who had shown up in the Bayou and flooded the encampments.

"You've gotta be kidding me. Seriously, what is going on? Who are all these people? Why are they standing out here all weird and lurk-y?" Hayley questioned.

"They've come from all over. All the packs." Eve said.

"Why? To see two babies that aren't even born yet?" Avery chuckled, just as Oliver came out from inside the house.

"Forget the babies. These freaks, they come here to see you two. You know, given the place your parents held in pack hierarchy, maybe they think you guys are gonna be the long-lost werewolf messiah or something."

"Great. No pressure or anything..." Avery mumbled as she and Hayley exchanged a look. Oliver's phone rang, so he walked away to take it.


"Oliver." It was Klaus. "I trust you have an update on the matter we discussed."

"Yeah, um, about that. We got wolves coming in by the truckload right now, so it's gonna be a little tricky to find just one guy. I mean, all you gave me was a first name."

"Yes. His name is Cary. He's got blond hair and brown eyes. He's one of my clan, a distant relative from the Northeast Atlantic pack. His presence is required if we are to continue with our plan. You find him and you bring him to me."

"All right, fine. I'm on it."

"Another thing — my brother will soon invite you to a feast honoring the witches. You and your friends will graciously accept the invitation."

"Why the hell would I do that?"

"Because if Elijah believes his treaty is working, he'll be less inclined to get in my way."


Elijah met with Diego and the rest of the the Vampire Faction about the Feast of Blessings.

"You want us to go to a witch event on bended knee and give them a gift? I'm sorry, but I just remembered. We're busy doing just about anything else that night." Diego snapped, glaring at the older vampire.

"Diego, this isn't a request." Elijah replied. "Your name is on that treaty. Now, if you have any difficulty whatsoever with your new-found position, I'd be more than willing to remove you."

"I never thought I'd see the day. Vampires bowing down to witches." Diego scoffed.

"I see it as a demonstration of strength, acknowledging a lesser faction." Elijah said.

He then met with Francesca, the Human Faction leader.

"But you're not asking, are you?" Francesca laughed. "Oh, I see it's true what they say about you, Elijah. You make even strong-arming seem noble. Well, the tourists do read this stuff up. Can you imagine what they'd think if they suddenly found out it was all real? I take it you want me at the public show and the private party afterward?"

"That is correct." Elijah nodded.

"I'd be happy to attend." Francesca shrugged. "And in return, you will owe the humans a favor."

Elijah next met with Jackson, Oliver, Avery, and Hayley on behalf of the Crescent wolves.

"Your people are uniquely poised to set an example for the rest of the French Quarter. Which is why it's important for the wolves to attend." Elijah stated.

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