21 - Give 'Em Hell Kid

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Book: Marshall Twins
Chapter 21
Word Count: 552

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. It is just a filler ❤️

A jazz band started playing in the Lafayette Cemetery, and their music could be heard in the background as Vincent began speaking.

"Say not in grief, that she is no more, but be thankful that she ever was, and though she was taken far too soon, may her enduring light show us a way through this darkness. Let us mourn, because we cannot move on until we do. And though the pain may at times seem like more than we can bare, make no mistake, we will move on. And yet, even now, the words of Ecclesiasticus are ringing in my ears, they're saying vengeance as a lion shall lie in wait for them."

Klaus, Elijah, Avery, Hayley, and the other mourners walked behind Cami's coffin as the jazz band finished playing.


The jazz band started to play again at Cami's wake, mourners were gathered inside and Avery approached towards the kitchen where workers were scattered.

"Okay, we can't run out of whiskey at an Irish wake, it's like the one rule, okay? Whiskey is important." Avery then turned around as Elijah approached.

"Whiskey is important. I'm certain Camille would have appreciated all of this."

"I hope so." Avery sighed.


Avery was sitting on the edge of her bed when Elijah entered, emotional and panting.

"Elijah." She said softly, as she stood, turning to face him.

"Forgive me." Elijah cried, gasping and dropping to his knees.

"What happened? Tell me, please." Avery whispered.

"It's Marcel. I took his life." Elijah exhaled sharply. Avery rushed forward to comfort him.


Klaus stood out on the balcony, overlooking the city street as Avery joined him.

"I assume Elijah told you. So, you understand why I'd prefer to be alone." Klaus spoke.

"He's hurting, too, Klaus. More than you know." Avery murmured.

"And had it been either of our daughters' hearts, would you still defend him?" Klaus scoffed.

"Don't use our girls." Avery snapped.

"Marcel was a son to me!" Klaus yelled.

"Freya showed me what Elijah saw. The prophecies haven't been wrong once. Klaus, after everything that you have done, all the people that you've threatened, tortured, killed, all the pain that you have put him through, he has always forgiven you." Avery exclaimed. "You have to forgive him."


Elijah stood in front of the fire place, looking at the flames, as Avery entered the room.

"It was the only way to be sure, Elijah. And Klaus... I think part of him sees that already. But more than anything, you have to forgive yourself." Avery stated.

Elijah turned to face her, tears in his eyes as he walked past her. He then stopped and turned back, rushing toward her and kissing her passionately.


Please don't forget to leave your opinions, tips/advice and all that stuff in the comments, I'll definitely take tips and advice into consideration!
Aveijah? Klavery? Jackery? Others?
What about Hayley ships? Any favourites?
Haylijah? Klayley? Jayley? Others?
Don't forget to vote, share and comment please! Xxxxx
Love you guys!

Next chapter: After months of thwarting off dangerous threats and deadly attacks, the Mikaelson siblings finally come face to face with the one person that could lead to their ultimate demise.

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