5 - I Hear You Knocking

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Book: Marshall Twins
Chapter 5
Word Count: 1070

Klaus was walking down some stairs of the Abattoir, looking for his daughters.

"Hope? Miracle?"

When suddenly, Miracle's voice was heard.

"Dad!" She ran and hugged him, in a strangely cheerful mood. Klaus chuckled in amusement, hugging Miracle back.

"We're ready to go." Hope informed, walking over after Miracle. "Aren't you coming?"

Klaus didn't answer Hope.


Concerned, Klaus was speaking with Elijah after Hope and Miracle had left to go see Avery.

"You need to go to the bayou without me." Klaus said.

"Why?" Elijah wondered, but Klaus ignored the question.

"Take Hope and Miracle. I'll be right behind you."

"What are you saying?" Elijah wondered more firmly.

"Both of my daughters nearly died. I have to make sure the threat to them is over!" Klaus exclaimed.

"Not without me." Elijah argued.

"Brother, Marcel loathes you most of all." Klaus pointed out. "Freya and Hayley will help me here. I need to know my children are safe. You and Avery can assure that."


Avery, Elijah, Hope, and Miracle were walking through a field of flowers. The young twins had run a little bit in front of the two adults, playing together and picking flowers along the way.

"I do miss it out here." Avery commented, looking around at the vibrant flowers and beautiful scenery.

"Yeah, looks like you're not alone. You know, we could be happy out here." Elijah mentioned, hinting that he wanted to start a life with her.

"I think you might stand out in that suit." Avery joked, smiling at her lover.

"Well, I was thinking jeans, shorts and flip flops." Elijah joked back.

"I want to build a life with you, Elijah. With Hope and Miracle." Avery sighed, catching on to what Elijah was previously hinting at. "I want us to be happy."

"So we do that. Together." Elijah smiled, before leaning forward and pressing his lips to Avery's, who happily responded to the kiss. When they broke away, Elijah's smile only widened. "In jean shorts."

They approached Mary's cabin, and Hope knocked on the door.

"Grandma Mary!" She grinned happily.

"Well, hello, sweethearts. Oh, my girls. Oh." Mary pulled both girls into a hug.

"We picked you some flowers." Miracle said as she and Hope held up some flowers.

"Honey, darling, why don't you run on inside? I need to talk to your mama." Mary muttered. Hope and Miracle did what they were told, going to find a place to put their flowers, and Mary addressed Avery, gesturing to Elijah as she did so. "Didn't know you were bringing him."

"Mary, come on." Avery frowned.

"Vampires aren't welcome. You're the exception. Rules of the house." Mary responded.

"I'll leave you two." Elijah walked off. Avery shot an annoyed look in Mary's direction.


"You know how I feel. Our kind winds up dead when they're around. I wake up to hear there's been some kind of occult massacre in the woods." Mary stated. "Let me guess... Mikaelsons are involved."

"That's why I'm here." Avery told. "I want to talk about what really caused that massacre last night. All we know is this cult wanted to sacrifice children. Somehow, the werewolf that Hayley went to see yesterday, Lara, got caught up in it, and when she tried to get out, she couldn't, and she killed herself."

"That doesn't make sense." Mary scoffed. "Someone is recruiting Crescents into a cult?"

"That's what I need you to look out for, Mary. Anything strange. These people obsess over specific imagery. It's a serpent eating its own tail." Avery pointed out.

"What'd you say?" Mary gasped, looking shocked.

"A serpent. Like a dragon. When Hope and Miracle were affected, they drew some. Here." Avery showed Mary some of Hope's and Miracle's drawings, causing Mary to look even more shocked.

"There's something you need to see."


Avery was sat and reading a journal when Elijah approached her.

"This journal belonged to Mary's husband. He filled it in the months before he died. Most of it's revolutionist garbage. Plots for an uprising But there's stuff about mine and Hayley's parents in there." Avery spoke.

"What does he say about them?" Elijah asked.

"Ramblings about how they were traitors for dealing with vampires." Avery sighed.

"You can see his writing deteriorate as his thoughts do." Elijah murmured.

"In the end, he can't even form a coherent sentence." Avery said. "Elijah, I think the Hollow made Mary's husband kill my parents. Growing up, Hayley and I both knew that we never belonged anywhere. Not in school. Not in foster care. I always thought if we could find our parents, we'd finally belong somewhere."

"You do belong somewhere." Elijah whispered.

"I did terrible things to find my family, Elijah. And when I did, they were already dead. And now I find out that the same people who killed them are the ones who hurt Hope and Miracle." Avery stated sadly.

"Listen to me. I will not let anything happen to you." Elijah reassured. "Do you understand?" And then, his phone vibrated; it was Freya. "What is it?"

"You need to come back to the city, or Marcel's going to kill Klaus."


It was night time. Hope and Miracle were asleep inside.

Mary and Avery were sat outside when Avery spoke up.

"Don't do that."

"Do what?" Mary wondered. Avery shot her a 'don't pretend with me' look.

"Blame yourself. You think that if you'd stopped your husband, Hayley and I would have had a better life."

"No one deserves what you two have been through..." Mary mumbled.

"It's because of what we've been through that I have them." Avery gestured inside, talking about Hope and Miracle. "They're Mikaelsons and I am a Marshall, but we're both still Labonairs. Mary, Jackson said that tragedy always followed my family around... executions, people dying in floods, fires, or just vanishing. What if the Hollow is behind those deaths, too? And if it went after the Labonairs before, what if it wants to finish what it started?"


Please don't forget to leave your opinions, tips/advice and all that stuff in the comments, I'll definitely take tips and advice into consideration!
Aveijah? Klavery? Jackery? Others?
Don't forget to vote, share and comment please! Xxxxx
Love you guys!

Next chapter: After uncovering information about who may have been behind their parents' death, Avery and Hayley both turn to Freya for help.

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