8 - The River in Reverse

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Book: Marshall Twins
Chapter 8
Word Count: 4226

In the Bayou, Elijah was laying on a bed in Dwayne's old shack, tossing and turning restlessly while Avery stood at his bedside and tried to feed him some water. Hayley was looking at the bible that was left.

"Here, drink this." Avery offered Elijah a cup. Elijah drank from it, but he immediately started to gag and cough. He was pale, sweaty and clearly miserable.

"Forgive me. Please." Elijah whispered quietly.

"It's okay." Avery replied, running a hand through his hair before standing up. "Remind me to annihilate your brother once you're healthy."

"Yes. Remind me to remind you to get in line." Elijah coughed.

"Doesn't help that we decided to shack up in the middle of a swamp, either." Avery said. She walked out onto the porch, leaving the door open to let the breeze into the shack. When Elijah started to cough and gag again, Avery ran back in and was immediately by his side. "You okay?"

"I'm fine. Please, just... return to your reading. The both of you." Elijah murmured.

"Well, we went through the whole thing." Avery stated, just as Hayley closed the book.

"Yep, it's just a regular bible." She added.

"With an entry in the family tree that may or may not be me and Hayley." Avery continued, looking down at the book that Hayley handed her. Avery then looked back up at Elijah. "But you know I've been a little busy worrying about you."

"Avery, please. This fever will make me unstable. And once these hallucinations begin, I'll start to see things. I will start to say things... You must leave me and take Hayley with you." Elijah explained quietly.

"I'm not leaving you like this." Avery was a stubborn girl with a caring heart. Elijah then coughed again.

Without any of them knowing, the stranger werewolf was outside of the shack, standing behind a tree near the lake. The stranger werewolf then heard Elijah groaning, tossing, coughing and gagging.


Marcel walked into the room where he and his followers/gang/family or whatever were. They had a guest of honor as some people called it. Marcel walked into the room.

"Alright, I'm here. Let's do this." He spoke. "I'll keep this simple. This kid is an old enemy of your favorite person Klaus." Marcel pointed at the guest of honor. Tyler Lockwood stood there. "Now, he's got plenty to say about what that traitorous guy has been up to behind my back. Now, for those of you faint of heart, there's the door. Because those who stick around, you're signing up for battle." Marcel finished. Everyone agreed to listen, so Tyler began speaking.

"You all know Klaus wasn't always the hybrid. When he broke the curse that kept his werewolf side dormant, somewhere in all that, certain parts were now able to trump his vampire side, like the ability to pass on the werewolf gene. That's where the werewolf girl he's been hiding from you all comes in. She and her sister rolled through my town, pretended to be my friend, and ended up hooking up with him. Now she's pregnant with his kids. Twins." Tyler explained.

A scoff was heard.

"What the hell is this?" Marcel's close friend, Diego, asked.

"Just listen." Marcel glared at Diego.

So Tyler then continued.

"When Klaus became the hybrid, he figured out a way to turn full-bred werewolves into creatures like him. You're looking at one of them. On the plus side, we had all the perks of being vampires. We were stronger, faster, and the toxins in our bites could still kill a vampire, but on the downside, we were loyal to him. Like, supernaturally loyal." Tyler finished.

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