3 - I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans

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Book: Marshall Twins
Chapter 3
Word Count: 1314

A group of musicians were playing jazz music on the corner of the main street. After a moment, a frazzled Avery stuck her head out of the window of her new apartment and angrily shouted at them.

"Hey! It's not Jazz Fest! Some of us have toddlers who need to sleep!"

Just then, Hope started to cry, which (as usual) startled Miracle and caused her to also start crying. Avery groaned as she returned to unpacking, cleaning up, and doting on her daughters.

The front door opened. Jackson walked into the apartment and looked at her with a concerned smile.

"You all right?"

"Oh, they were both having a really nice nap until that stupid music woke Hope up, and Hope's crying startled Miracle awake straight after." Avery sighed. "How... how are we supposed to live with all this noise?"

"You're just sensitive to it, okay? We spent six months as wolves in the Bayou. We've been back a day. I think it's okay to take a minute to adjust." Jackson said gently.

"Easy for you to say! You're not half-vampire. Everything for me is heightened. It's not just the noise. I'm claustrophobic. My skin is crawling. I'm irritable. I'm hungry." Avery explained. She sighed again, clearly overwhelmed with everything as she looked over to where Hope and Miracle were still crying from the noise. "I wanted to be with them so badly. And now I am, and I just feel off..."

"Well, you gotta let it out. If talking won't cut it, I have an idea that will." Jackson picked up his phone, and Avery looked at him with confusion.

"What are you doing?"

"Calling Freya to babysit." Jackson smiled. "This unpacking can wait, all right? I'm taking Mommy out for the day."


Jackson had just brought Avery to Marcel's new gym, and Avery looked both confused and wary as she turned to her husband, who had just turned on the lights.

"I'm pretty sure that Marcel opened this place for vampires..." She spoke.

"Well, you said it yourself — you're part-vampire." Jackson shrugged as he smiled at his beautiful wife. "Figured it'd be a good place for you to blow off some steam. You might feel better if you hit something, even if it's me." Avery gave Jackson an exasperated look.

"I can't cut loose with you, Jack. You'll get hurt. I have an advantage, being, you know... I'm dead."

Jackson, undeterred by Avery's concerns, walked over to the cage and picked up two wooden staffs before handing one to her. He then started spinning his own staff around.

"Here. You got muscle and a bad temper, but I'm pretty good with one of these things. Might make us even! At least enough to get a workout in." He smiled again at Avery, who sighed.

"I get what you're doing, Jack. I'm just... I'm really not in the mood for some half-assed sparring match, so..."

Jackson rolled his eyes and walked over to her, hitting her staff with his own so hard that it flew across the room and clattered to the floor.

"Are you gonna stand there whining all day, or are you gonna show me whatchu got?"

Jackson stared at her with a competitive glint in his eyes, clearly not interested in backing down, so Avery reluctantly picked up her staff before swinging it at Jackson.

Despite her strength and speed, Jackson was able to block all of her shots, and jumped backward to avoid getting hit in the stomach. He smiled smugly at Avery, who also started feeling competitive. Sensing that, Jackson's smile turned into a proud smirk.

"That's my girl!"

The two resumed fighting.


Avery and Jackson had moved into the fight ring, where they were continuing to spar with their staffs. Avery started to get really into it, but after a moment, Jackson kicked her legs out from under her, causing her to fall onto her back on the floor and lose her staff in the process.

"Come on, focus!" Jackson grinned.

Avery flipped herself onto her feet, but it was clear by her expression that she was overwhelmed.

"Every full moon, every time I would turn human, I would look at our pack, at you, and all I could think about was Klaus." Avery picked up her staff from the floor, and the two began to spar again as she continued her rant. Jackson was able to block her blows, but since Avery was using almost all her power now, it was harder for him to keep up. "What he did to us, his gloating, Davina using us. If she blows out that candle, we're back to being wolves! And what if I'm holding Hope or Miracle?"

"You ain't gonna hurt either of them." Jackson reassured.

"Every day — every day — all I can think about is ripping everything apart." Avery growled.

"Okay! Well, come on, then! Get it out of your system, all right?" Jackson sighed. "Are you gonna stand there feeling sorry for yourself?

That pushed Avery over the edge, which seemed to be what Jackson intended. Avery growled at him aggressively and started staff-fighting at full force, not realizing just how much strength she was using.

She accidentally went too far and hit Jackson in the cheek with the end of her staff, which sliced a decently-sized cut along his cheekbone. Jackson was spun by the force and fell against the wall of the cage, and when Avery realized that she hurt him, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands.

"Jack? I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to."

Jackson calmly turned around and walked toward her, turning his face so his injured cheek was in full view. At the sight of the blood dripping down his face, Avery started to involuntarily vamp-out, though she forced herself back into control, but Jackson didn't even flinch.

"Uh... you should go." Avery stuttered slightly. But Jackson simply shook his head and walked closer to her until they were only inches apart.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm not afraid, Ave."

Avery reached up and cupped Jackson's face so she could see his wound better, and, unable to help herself, she raised herself up on her tip-toes and licked a streak of his blood off of his face with her tongue.

When she pulled away, Jackson continued to stare at her, and Avery once again vamped-out, letting her fangs drop before she sank them into his neck.

Jackson gasped as she started to feed on him, but he relaxed after only a moment and lifted her up so her legs were wrapped around his waist. He pushed her back against the wall of the cage, and she stopped feeding on him so she could kiss him instead.

Then, Avery took control and span them at vampire speed so that Jackson was pressed against the wall instead, and she kissed him for a moment longer before ripping his top off and flinging the torn shirt away.

Jackson pulled Avery's own shirt over her head and started kissing her harder. Then, a moan escaped Avery's lips as Jackson leant down and created a trail of kisses along her collarbone, up her neck, across her jaw, and to her lips again.


Please don't forget to leave your opinions, tips/advice and all that stuff in the comments, I'll definitely take tips and advice into consideration!
Aveijah? Klavery? Jackery? Others?
What about Hayley ships? Any favourites?
Haylijah? Klayley? Jayley? Others?
Don't forget to vote, share and comment please! Xxxxx
Love you guys!

Next chapter: In order to uncover what his old acquaintance, Tristan, is really up to in New Orleans, Elijah considers attending a gala thrown by a mysterious group of ancient vampires known as The Strix, while Avery invites herself to attend with him.

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