11 - Til the Day I Die

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Book: Marshall Twins
Chapter 11
Word Count: 3264

Hope and Miracle were in the cemetery, visiting the grave of Bill, the man they'd accidentally killed. Miracle put a yellow rose into the vase, while Hope held up the yellow rose in her hand and muttered a spell, turning the rose blue, before putting it in with the yellow one. Klaus walked over.

"You didn't have to come." Hope spoke, sensing his presence. 

"I wanted to make sure you two are all right." Klaus murmured.

"I don't know why we leave flowers." Miracle pointed out, crossing her arms. "Doesn't do them any good. It's not much of an apology for killing someone."

"Unintentionally." Klaus added. "You both rid the city of those vermin. You've nothing to apologize for."

"Don't make it sound so noble." Miracle sighed. She and Hope finally turned to face Klaus, who looked down at Miracle's arms and saw that the veins had returned.

"Well, at least he gets his revenge next week when the full moon comes." Hope added, looking at Bill's photo. Klaus walked even closer to his daughters.

"Girls, however much you dread your first transformation, once you go through it, you're both gonna feel better."

"I don't know if we dread it. Or if we wish we could just turn and never turn back." Miracle said.

"Mom said that after the pain, it's one of the best feelings in the world." Hope mentioned. "I just can't believe we have to do this without her."

Klaus looked away for a moment, holding back his emotions.

"I know no one can replace your mom, but I do want to help."

"We know..." Miracle nodded.

"But we need to be alone." Hope added as she and Miracle both turned back to Bill's grave. But as soon as they turned away, Klaus saw the veins on the back of Miracle's neck, and he grew concerned.

"As you wish..." He then walked away, leaving the cemetery.


Elijah was in the attic. He opened a box and started to rummage. He picked up drawings that Hope and Miracle had done for Avery. Then, he noticed a letter sticking out, so he grabbed it. It was addressed to him. Elijah put down their drawings and looked at the name at the top. It was Harper...

He looked at the letter before walking over to a piano, sitting down. He seemed to be lost in thought for a moment before he started pressing down some keys on the piano.


Five years ago

Elijah was in France, playing the piano. Everyone clapped.

"Merci beaucoup." Elijah then stood and approached the bar, speaking to the bartender. "Cristal, please." He looked at a woman sitting at the bar. She had a glass of red wine. "Can I make a guess here? You're either broke or you're a terrible drunk."

"Excuse me?" The woman glanced quickly at him.

"You've been nursing that drink for over an hour." Elijah observed. The woman now turned fully to face him, revealing who she was. It was Avery...

"Maybe there are some things that neither money or alcohol can solve." Avery pointed out. Elijah, not recognizing her because of his memory loss, smiled. "Do you ever have an ex you just can't seem to get out of your system?"

"Can I recommend something a little stronger than Bordeaux?" Elijah suggested.

"Oh, I'm... I'm fine, but thank you." Scarlet smiled. Elijah stuck his hand out towards her.

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