5 - Don't It Just Break Your Heart

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Book: Marshall Twins
Chapter 5
Word Count: 1819

Freya and Miracle were outside the abandoned house in the woods of Mystic Falls. 

"Okay, let's see what you can do." Freya said to her. So, Miracle ran up the stairs, leaping off the railing to get to the balcony. She turned to face Freya. 

"Pretty cool, huh?" Miracle jumped down. "What do you think?"

"I think I wish I had core muscles like yours." Freya chuckled. Miracle also chuckled.

"And that's nothing compared to what Hope and I will be able to do once we triggered our werewolf sides."

"Yeah." Freya paused briefly. "Um, has your mom ever talked you two through turning?" She asked. Miracle drank from her water bottle, nodding.

"A little, and we have friends. I mean, the whole killing a human part sounds kinda rough, but--"

"What about the whole breaking every bone in your body part?" Freya mentioned. "You know, when your mom talked to me about it, when she, um, really described it, it sounded worse than almost anything I could imagine. And honestly, it's... it's not what she wanted for you and Hope." She said. 

"Wants." Miracle quickly corrected. "Not what she wants for us."

"That's what I meant." Freya sighed.


Miracle walked into her room at the Salvatore Boarding School, finding Roman lying on her bed. She scoffed, expecting someone else to be in the room.

"Where is Josie? She was supposed to meet me."

"She stopped by. I told her that I was looking for some paper, and that you'd be back later. She'll come looking for you again soon enough." Roman informed. "You two are honestly not that bad together."

"Thank you?" Miracle muttered, with it coming out more like a question.

"You should really lock your door. You know that, right?" Roman pointed out.

"I'm pretty sure I did, Roman." Miracle shot back, closing the door.

"Okay." Roman sat up. "Well, next time, use a lock I can't pick. So, what's the deal with you and your out-of-town visitor?"

"She's my aunt. And why do you care?" Miracle snapped.

"Come on, buttercup. I thought we were friends after you confided in me. We even went to Miss Mystic Falls together!" Roman exclaimed.

"First of all, never call me buttercup. Secondly, I only confided in you because you were literally hitting on me, so telling you that I was gay seemed to be the easiest way for you to back off. And lastly... don't flatter yourself. I only attended Miss Miss Mystic with you for Lizzie." Miracle explained. "But most importantly: Why the hell are you even in my room, Roman?"

"Okay..." Roman sighed. "A Mikaelson. You and Hope. Daughters of an Original, which is supposed to be impossible. Dad's a vampire, Mom's a werewolf, lineage of witches. I guess I'm just... a confused and curious vampire, searching for answers."

"You seem to know so much about me, yet I know never little about you." Miracle realised. "How about this? You tell me something about you and I won't go to Alaric with breaking and entering."

"I once pissed some people off and ended up desiccated in a cave." Roman told.

"Desiccated?" Miracle repeated, sitting down. "What was that like?"

"It was bad." Roman sat down beside her. "But then the pain took over and I just lost track of everything. Everything but time." He said.

"How long were you in there?" Miracle wondered. Roman looked down.

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